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September 21, 2020
Monday Morning Rant.
Since Oregon Muse is on vacation, some of us other COBS are filling in with morning rants of our own. Here's mine:
I like Trump, generally, not for his cult of personality but because I think he's done a pretty good job, all things considered, especially in the face of a media that is nothing but a propaganda arm for the Dems, but this kind of weak ass shit from cu*** like Lowry who want to tut tut about decorum when the country is facing a full on communist insurrection is ludicrous. Don't like Trump? Fine. I get that. WHAT'S THE FUCKING ALTERNATIVE YOU BRAIN DEAD MUPPET? You want a calm, cool, 1990s world where we can all sip tea and bloviate about principles and interests while you rake in cash from you latest book "The Coming War With Freedonia". You claim to support "conservative principles" but YOU NEVER DID ANYTHING BEYOND WRITING ANOTHER COLUMN. And now, the wolf is at the door and you're just all so offended that it might get a little "antagonistic" on social media while cities literally burn. 100 days of riots in Portland. 100 days! Riots (which means violence and looting) Hell, the Battle of Stalingrad only lasted for 160 days, we're more than 1/2 way there! And you want to claim some kind of moral high ground? You? You the "conservative" establishment that let it all happen? You the pundits and navel gazers who care nothing for the Constitution you claim to revere but refuse to defend. Fuck you. Did you hear that? Let me spell it out for you. F-U-C-K-Y-O-U. You National Review pussies, You baseball crank Twitter gurus, you Goldberg "Hey, I like dogs" losers. You held yourselves up as the bastion of "conservative" thought and whored yourselves out for media popularity. You fleeced the rubes and congratulated yourself for your cleverness while you were doing it. And this, this utterly dysfunctional and violent country we have heading into an election is your fault. Oh, not entirely, I'll throw you that bone, the left is doing the actual rioting, but mostly. All 'cuz you wanted to sit back and "discuss things like gentlemen" while the left was ruthlessly applying the mechanics of power. You thought you were too good to get into mud and fight for principles you claimed to love. You just wanted to go along and get along and cash checks. So now, when finally, finally, there is a populist revolt against the Marxist, totalitarian, evil that you incubated with your passivity, you want to yell at us, the proles, for objecting? Jesus, you got a lot of balls. The sad part, the really sad, hit-me-in-the-face-with-a-2X4-until-I-die part of it is that it didn't have to be this way, but now that it is you're wringing your hands over the uncouth populism of it all. And you're right. I'm an historian, and I've studied many populist movements. Pol Pot was a populist movement, and we got The Killing Fields. What you fail to register is that the Trump populist movement is reactionary. It's seeking a return to the America we know and love. However, by reflexively opposing it because it is "populist", you're killing America. "Populist" isn't bad if it's pushing American values. "Nationalism" isn't bad if it's a nation based on the Constitution. Get your fucking heads out of your asses accept that the whirlwind you've sown has showed up and it's reaping time, so now the adults have to deal with it. Shut the hell up and get out of the way, and may your chains set lightly upon you.
posted by WeirdDave at
11:00 AM
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