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September 15, 2020
Rasmussen: In Communities That Have Seen Violent "Protests," Likely Voters Approve of Trump by a 2:1 Margin, and 76% Say the Violence is Important to How They'll Be Voting
Voters don't like thugs, murderers, arsonists and bandits attacking them and their businesses, or the Democrat/Media Conspiracy that protects and promotes them.
Who would have thought!
Three-out-of-four voters who've had violent anti-police protests in their community rate those protests important to their vote in the presidential election. Among these voters, a sizable majority like the job President Trump is doing.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 42% of Likely U.S. Voters have had anti-police protests in their community this summer.
Nearly half (48%) of these voters say the protests in their community have turned violent.
Among all voters, 65% say the violent protests are important to their vote in the presidential election this fall, with 41% who say it’s Very Important.
Among those who have had violent protests in their community, even more (76%) rate them important to their vote, including 54% who say they are Very Important. Sixty-three percent (63%) of these voters Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing versus 35% who Strongly Disapprove.
Note that those who fit the category of having seen violent "protests" in their communities is low-ish, around 20% of all likely voters. (41% say they've seen protests, and of those, 48% say they've seen "protests" turn violent.)
And of course BLM just launched another round of Punching Whitey in Pennsylvania.
Where the GOP has already seen a net +24,262 increase in voter registration. (Net meaning "GOP gains minus Dem gains.")
In just a month.
A month ago, the Democratic margin statewide was 783,116. It currently stands at 758,854.
Last month I laid out three questions to gauge what the voter registration trends we’re telling us. Well, all three favored the Republicans in August. We also saw a new Monmouth Poll this week, which had Biden’s lead in the Keystone State narrow from 13 down to four points.
It appears then that Republicans are coming home in two ways. First, disaffected Democrats are finally officially joining the GOP. Second, soft Trump voters are now resolved to show up and vote. Neither of these events is particularly surprising, yet they underscore just how challenging flipping Pennsylvania will ultimately prove for the Democratic Party.
By the way, the Democrat Jake Tapper was trying to protect, fellow liberal Democrat Conor Lamb, represents the 17th District, which is made up of Beaver County and half of Allegheny County.
Both saw GOP net vote registration gains this year. In addition, Trump easily carried the district after Obama won it in both 2008 and 2012.
Does Jake Tapper really expect us to believe he just wanted to find Sean Parnell a nicer, safer district to run in?
Meanwhile, in Florida, only 5% of the public is undecided, but those undecideds are breaking for Trump 4:1.
After falling behind Democratic nominee Joe Biden in May, U.S. President Donald Trump has surged back into a virtual dead heat in the battleground Sunshine State, according to a statewide survey of registered Florida voters by the Florida Atlantic University Business and Economics Polling Initiative (FAU BEPI).
Biden holds a 49 percent to 46 percent lead, with 5 percent undecided, but those undecideds are breaking for Trump 4:1, resulting in a statistical tie at 50 percent for each candidate.
Trump voters are more certain of their vote:
Roughly 9 percent of Florida voters surveyed said there is a chance they will change their minds, while 97 percent of Trump voters and 94 percent of Biden voters insist they will stick with their choices.
And Trump voters say they're more enthusiastic about voting:
Among Trump voters, 72 percent said they are extremely excited for the election, while 60 percent of Biden supporters expressed the same sentiment.
Meanwhile, in purple North Carolina, Trump just pulled ahead, albeit within the margin of error, 49-48.