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September 04, 2020
The Morning Report - 9/4/20
Good morning kids. Scratch one terrorist! The cancer identified as Reinoehl who murdered Aaron J. Danielson in cold blood was taken down by US Marshals late last night.
The Pierce County sheriff's fugitive apprehension team, working in tandem with the U.S. Marshals team, was apparently in the area searching for Reinoehl when they saw him come out of an apartment armed with a weapon. Witnesses at the scene said he was armed with an "assault rifle."
"The suspect came out to the car," said Pierce County sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer. "They attempted to put him into custody and shots were fired."
Thurston County sheriff's Lt. Ray Brady confirmed that four officers fired their weapons on the suspect.
The antifa gunman had been arrested twice in recent months on multiple charges, including gun charges.
Reinoehl posted on Instagram, in June: "Every revolution needs people that are willing and ready to fight. There are many of us protesters that are just protesting without a clue of where that will lead. That's just the beginning that's where the fight starts. If that's as far and you can take it thank you for your participation but please stand aside and support the ones that are willing to fight. I am 100% ANTIFA all the way! I am willing to fight for my brothers and sisters! Even if some of them are too ignorant to realize what antifa truly stands for."
I don't have the link but I did read in a post that the ventilated corpse in question was indeed armed. While it's fun to laugh at the sniveling little maggot who was blubbering yesterday when he was arrested and in possession of a flamethrower (???), the evidence is quite clear that when the rest of his black-clad Brownshirts have been allowed to commit violence and mayhem essentially unmolested by the authorities, the cold-blooded assassination of an innocent civilian was bound to happen.
And Trump might just have pulled a brilliant move in that regard:
Now the Oregon State Police troopers assigned to help the police in Portland have now been cross-deputize by the federal government. This means that the US Attorney's Office can lodge charges against those arrested by deputized troopers.
KGW's Pat Dorris explained what this means for rioters:
"This is basically the ground changing under the feet of the protesters. because when the state police come in and are cross-deputized by the [U.S. Marshals], they're able to make arrests under the federal law. And I'm told there is something similar to interfering with a police officer under the federal law. [Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt] will not prosecute someone for that charge, but the U.S. Attorney's Office has been much more aggressive at holding people accountable and prosecuting for all kinds of charges. So, I think you're going to see a lot more of that start to happen as soon as these officers arrive."
Federal authorities are already filing charges.
Let's see how these brain dead maggots react now. That said, you have to wonder about the legal system let alone the jury pool being completely corrupted and/or intimidated by the enemy into throwing any trials. Hopefully, making these Federal beefs might help in this regard. Legal eagles please weigh in.
UPDATE: Regarding the potential jury pool, commenter The ARC of History! states:
Very, very different jury pool. The Multnomah County jury pool is 80% Portlanders. The jury pool for Federal trials in Portland draws from all of northwest Oregon - maybe a third Portlanders. The rest is suburbanites and people from rural areas. Try [intimidating] a juror from Vernonia - probably 75% of the town voted for Trump, and they're all heavily armed.
In any case, Antifa/BLM's militancy and now proven violence is obviously not to be taken lightly. We had a report the other day that the FBI warned Chicago cops that several dozen gangs had declared open season on them if they were spotted drawing a weapon on a black suspect. To expect them to have that kind of discipline is folly, considering the rhetoric and the brainwashing the Democrat-Media Complex has been transmitting of late, let alone for decades. How will these latter day Hitler Youth react? It would be wise to consider that they will behave like the Weathermen and Black Panthers of old, veterans of both I would not doubt are probably advising and training them: declare war on the cops and start assassinating them.
Almost 50 years ago, Bill Ayers' cohorts had a massive bomb they intended for a military dance at Fort Dix blow up prematurely and take them out along with an entire townhouse on Washington Square Park. Considering that just last week, Antifa/BLM terrorists sealed the doors shut on a police precinct and attempted to burn the building down with people still inside -- get the picture?
* * * * * * *
Elsewhere, a number of items that indicate the Democrats are Wile E. Coyote-ing themselves into oblivion this November. First, the barely sentient kohlrabi known as Joe Biden met with the Jacob Blake clan - or should I spell that Klan - yesterday despite the revelations about pink-toed evil Jooz and other wonderful tropes from the elder and has refused to disavow or otherwise criticize him.
In other news of the vegetative state kind, during his visit to the Democrat-created Dresden, Biden evidently claimed that Thomas Edison was not the inventor of the lightbulb. Meh, considering that Al Sharptone disparages "Greek homos" for usurping the legacy of the true creators of western civilization in central Africa, and that Jesus was black and the Jews aren't really the Jews, well, I guess when you have a mind that is the consistency of oatmeal, then this makes sense.
Meanwhile, instead of just taking her lumps and laying low, Malig-Nancy Pelosi's blaming the victim for her own hypocrisy has earned the ire of irate San Franciscans and others. Forget the real science and real statistics: if this octogenarian hag who, along with the rest of her rotten party who had been persecuting us to stay imprisoned and masked can traipse into a salon that she ordered her bastard nephew to keep shut without fear of infection or death, then that alone right there with nothing else is proof positive that this pandemic or whatever danger the virus poses is no longer existent, if it ever existed at all.
In any case, the latest Democrat meme is that Trump is a dictator and is responsible for the lockdowns. Well, if that is the case, Trump should just issue an executive order reversing his alleged "diktat" and declare all lockdowns lifted. How about that, Malig-Nancy?!
We already spoke of Angel-of-Death Cuomo's freak out over Trump's 100% justified threat to cut off blue shit-holes that continue to give oxygen to the Antifa/BLM terrorism. And now on another front, the Dems are claiming that Trump insulted the US Marines or something. Plus, Malig-Nancy is openly gunning for the Hyde Amendment, two months before a national election. Hubris? Stupidity? Humidity?
Look, this Mail-In voting thing concerns me. But if that was a guaranteed lock that the Dems can steal the election, then all these outbursts make no sense, unless they know that they are indeed going to lose and lose big; by a margin that even this massive scheme cannot overcome. And now, Dr. Quack-Quack Fauci is issuing more fear porn from his Ministry of Doom to scare voters into staying home on Election Day.
That is really the only way I think Trump can lose or that the election can be fouled up. The enthusiasm is all on our side as I think are the numbers. IF everyone goes to the polls to vote in person, they're toast. They know it and I hope to hell we know it. If an old hag who is among the most vulnerable to the pox can drag her botox-tits into a salon without a mask to get a wash and blowout, then there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Have a great weekend.
- Great news. But it's likely these animals are going to go the 70s Weathermen/Black Panthers route and start assassinating police.
Portland's 100% Antifa Murder Suspect Shot Dead By U.S. Marshals in Washington
* * * * * * *
- In the immortal words of Samuel Goldwyn, "anyone who sees a psychiatrist needs to have his head examined."
APA Cites Psychologist Asserting: "Every Institution in America is Born From the Blood of White Supremacist Ideology and Capitalism -- And That's the Disease"
- "[Rosa] Brooks emailed Podesta, President Bill Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff, Counselor to Barack Obama, and Chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential campaign, a message entitled 'Following up on conversation at Soros dinner.' Another recipient of the email, also mentioned in the text itself, is Jake Sullivan, a former National Security Advisor to Joe Biden and Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton."
"Non-Partisan" Election Integrity Project Founder Dined With Soros and Biden Campaign Advisers, Offered "Substantive Help"
- "...the Oregon State Police troopers assigned to help the police in Portland have now been cross-deputize[d] by the federal government. This means that the US Attorney's Office can lodge charges against those arrested by deputized troopers."
Trump Masterfully Takes Radical Portland DA Out of the Equation and Rioters Are Shook
- "Brennen Sermon, 27, of Orlando, was arraigned in D.C. Superior Court on one count of assault on a law-enforcement officer. He was released on his own recognizance." (and he's gone... - jjs)
D.C. Police Arrest Orlando Man for Attacking Police Officer Near Rand Paul
- "At least seven Sara Gideon staffers donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which bails out rioters."
Maine Dem Campaign Staffers Helped Bail Out Violent Criminals
- "Riots and looting in Seattle, Portland, and Chicago are one thing, but we're not used to watching such events in the Kenoshas of the world, which are much smaller cities not known for leftism."
Scorched: Leftists Make a Tactical Error in Kenosha
- AG Barr: "I don't think there are two justice systems. I think the narrative that the police are in some epidemic of shooting unarmed black men is simply a false narrative and also the narrative that's based on race."
Cuck Schemer: "Attorney General Bill Barr Has... Shown Us That He's a Threat to Democracy"
- "At the site of Trump's visit to Kenosha, Valerie, a 25-year-old African American from Milwaukee, said the welfare state, burning buildings, and defunding the police are not the kind of solutions black people need."
Black Lives Matter Protesters Attacking Trump's Visit To Kenosha: "Riots Work"
- "Biden, masked and breathless, centered most of his Kenosha speech around racial justice, calling slavery 'the original sin of this country.'"
Kenosha Speech Showed the Difference Between Joe Biden With a Teleprompter and Without a Teleprompter is Scary
- "Angry voices on the left continue to condemn Kyle Rittenhouse before we have all of the facts. What we already know paints a far more complicated picture."
The Only Fact the Left Needs to Jump on Kyle Rittenhouse is That He Supports Guns and Trump
- Not hopeful for convictions in that state.
Portland-Area Residents Charged For Shining Lasers Into Police Officer's Eyes During Riots
- "Many Americans are asking why, with cities burning, Trump hasn't invoked the Insurrection Act and sent in troops. It's complicated."
Despite Temptation, Trump is Wise Not to Send in the Troops... Yet
- Robert Spencer: "So apparently desiring to destroy the United States and commit mass murder of its citizens is the Islamic Republic of Iran's very reason for being. And now the Leftist rioters are demonstrating that they have the same perspective and same goal."
Antifa/BLM Rioters Now Screaming "Death to America"
- "America pays for research and then socialist countries ride for free. Not this time."
Tillis: Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine Should Go to Americans First
- "Now, it appears that the CDC has the power to destroy the property rights of landlords and force them to house chosen classes of people on their property, contrary to contractual agreements. We fought a revolution over this issue."
Venezuela in America: CDC to Confiscate Property Rights with New Anti-Eviction Order
- "Two top Democrats give the game away."
Pelosi the Covidiot and Cuomo the Grim Reaper
- Julie Kelly: "Take off the masks and remove the "social distancing" circles from the floors. Open the schools, liberate college campuses, fill the restaurants and the gyms and the churches and the salons. Enough."
We Have Had Enough Lockdown
- "An attempt at a 'nonpartisan' examination of the Pelosi impeachment still shows the Democrats to be corrupt, incompetent, and illegitimate."
The Worst Impeachment in History
- "A slap in the face."
10 Times Democrat Politicians Blew Off Their Own Chinese Coronavirus Restrictions
- If they were Antifa, the house would be rubble.
"Angry Salon Customers" Protest at Malig-Nancy Pelosi's Home; Hang Blow Dryers and Curlers on Pelosi's Tree
- But first she will...
Kamala Harris to Headline Fundraiser Hosted by Hollywood Producer Who Derided Women as "Twats" -- and Called Harris "Tiresome"
- "The former San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general is the last person who should lecture anyone on out-of-control prosecutors. When she talks about framing the innocent and hiding exculpatory evidence, Harris is either projecting or engaging in rank hypocrisy."
Kamala Harris' Rampant Prosecutorial Abuses
- "Campaign's Jewish outreach director claimed candidate would confront anti-Semitism on the left."
Biden Refuses to Criticize Blake's Father Over Anti-Semitic Social Media Posts
- "Other posts defend Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and attack Christianity. In one post, Jacob Blake Sr. refers to young black supporters of President Donald Trump as 'coons.' Other posts refer to white people as 'crackers.' Biden, who has accused Trump of dividing Americans, met with Blake Sr. anyway."
Joe Biden Meets with Blake Family -- Including Anti-Semitic, Racist Father
- ""You think that's a way to run a vote?' Barr asked Wolf Blitzer after laying out instances of voter fraud occurring with mail-in ballots."
Attorney General Barr: Mass Mail-In Voting Like "Playing With Fire"
- "The new reality is winners and losers are not going to be known at the end of the night."
Pennsylvania Democrats "Very Worried" About Mail-In Voting Causing Election Chaos
- "Stealing any vote is a felony. To manipulate the vote of those relying on others for assistance with activities of daily living is morally egregious."
Halting a Harvest of Fraud in Senior Residences
- "How the Democrats will attempt to undermine the upcoming election."
Democrat Mail Fraud Will Take Us to the Brink
- "California is Exhibit A - while key battleground states are also at risk."
Invitations to Voter Fraud in 2020
- "Joe Biden spent the last 47 years shipping Pennsylvania jobs to China and foreign nations, and I've spent the last four years bringing them back home. I ended the last administration's eight year pure war on Pennsylvania oil and coal and fracking."
Trump Takes on Biden, Malig-Nancy Pelosi, Angel-of-Death Cuomo, DeBolshevik in Pennsylvania Speech
- Wait until he finds out Edison had pink toes!
Prof. Biden Claims "a Black Man Invented the Light Bulb, Not a White Guy Named Edison."
- "Biden -- whose campaign billed his visit as an opportunity for racial healing -- repeated the same script he has used over and over again, talking about white supremacists coming 'out of the fields.' and 'carrying torches,' with their 'veins bulging.'"
Joe Biden Lies in Church, Brings "Very Fine People" Hoax to Kenosha
- "In an attempt to avoid explaining his tax plan in any detail, Biden said, I'm 'not going to lay out for you, I won't now because they'll shoot me.'"
Busted! Biden Town Hall Attendees in Kenosha Were Given Scripts to Follow
- "Dems can't decide whether Trump is to blame for all the rioting and violence, or whether he's just stoking unjustified fears for political gain."
Democrats Need To Get Their Riot Talking Points Straight
- He's right. Just look at Hunter!
Biden: "Drug Abuse Doesn't Cause Mental Health Problems"
- Monmouth Poll for what it's worth.
New Polls Say Trump Is In Striking Distance In Swing States That Could Win Him the Election
- For what it's worth.
Report: Major Vegas Odds-Makers Find Trump Either Leading Or Tied
- Feckless, clueless and duplicitous is no way to go through life, but it makes for being a great Democrat. And, GFY.
Former Michigan Republican Gov. Rick Snyder Endorses Biden For President
- "Don't believe his disavowal of the violence."
The Revolution Will Accelerate Under Biden
- "As if supporting violence, looting, and burning wasn't enough now Democrat's want to destroy a small business owner who trying to survive."
Dems Are Making Another Epic Blunder After Attorney Sends Letter to San Fran Salon Owner
- "The Democrats have plenty of dirty tricks up their sleeves (e.g., riots and possibly massive voter fraud), but a former CIA/DIA analyst is still optimistic."
One Intelligence Analysis Offers Some Hope for November
- "A popular Facebook meme suggests mass Democrat confusion, or complete Democrat denial."
Do Democrats Understand What They Are Supporting?
- Conrad Black: "Donald Trump will either drain the swamp or the swamp will drown him; in either case, elections hereafter should be less contentious for a while."
Drain the Swamp, Or Be Drowned By It
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Paradoxes happen when what seems real is not -- and is known not to be real by those who act as if it is."
Biden Is a Prisoner of His Own Paradoxes
- "In other words... That's a nice country you got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it."
Washington Post Says Election Will End in Violence Unless Biden Wins Landslide
- In another example of social media companies putting their fingers on the scales in the upcoming presidential election, Facebook has announced it will suppress what it calls "premature claims of victory by candidates," while failing to identify what that means."
Zuckerberg Says Facebook Will Suppress Trump Victory Claims After Election
- "The ruling determined that the warrantless telephone tapping secretly collecting data from millions of Americans' telephone records violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and exceeded the scope of Congress' power."
9th Circus Sides With Edward Snowden, Rules Mass Surveillance Of Americans Is Illegal
- "It is stunningly hypocritical that Speaker Pelosi continues to hold up $1.3 trillion dollars in [Chinese] coronavirus aid while getting special access to the very businesses it would help."
Kayleigh McEnany Opens White House Press Conference By Playing Malig-Nancy Pelosi Salon Video On Loop
- "A strategy often used by abusers, cult leaders and dictators has been put to work to sway the elections."
Gaslighting America: Democrats And Media Have Turned It Up To 11
- "Barr argued that mail-in voting was susceptible to coercion and fraud."
AG Barr Berates Wolf Blitzer for Using "Cheap Talk" in Heated XiNN Debate on Vote By Mail
- "Donald Trump is depicted as a snarling, shouting maniac while Joe Biden looks like he should be on a bottle of salad dressing, complete with twinkling eyes."
Media Malfeasance: Rasmussen Reports Creates Hideously Biased Image of Trump for New Poll
- "McGowan's inclusion is surprising, given that Courier -- an umbrella organization created and largely owned by Acronym, which in turn oversees 'local' news sites that distribute pro-Democrat talking points -- has spent millions distributing its stories on Facebook and other social media platforms."
Tara McGowan, Fake News Network Owner, to Speak on Panel About Fake News
- R.S. McCain: "Attacked in Kenosha, the teenager fired in self-defense."
The Media Lynching of Kyle Rittenhouse
- "NPR offered its platform to fellow government-funded colleagues at the VOA Monday, who released a letter condemning their CEO for reforms."
NPR Manipulates Federalist Interview With VOA Executive On Behalf Of Government Employees Opposing Reform
- "Absolutely vile." (abolish NPR - jjs)
NPR Pummeled For Using Nazi Ghetto As Example Of Pandemic Control
- "Why were the protests and riots of 2020 so explosive?"
Everything Magnified
- "Dozens of news outlets published content that either justified or explained away rioting and looting in the initial weeks of unrest following the police custody death of George Floyd in late May."
Here Are 31 Times the Media Pushed Narratives Downplaying Riots and Looting After George Floyd's Death
- Tell me this would've happened if it had "BLM" on it.
US Veteran Says He Was Told He Could Not Wear American Flag Face Covering, Quits His Job
- "This shift in Black Americans' attitudes has not occurred in a vacuum and appears to be closely tied to increasing political polarization on abortion."
Gallup: Only 32% of Blacks Say Abortion Should be Legal "Under All Circumstances"
- "The Democratic Party unequivocally supports abortion on-demand, up until the moment of birth, and even infanticide -- leaving babies to die after failed abortions."
President Trump Pledges to Defund Planned Parenthood in Next Term
- Two months before a national election. Brilliant move, Malig-Nancy!
Dems Decry Malig-Nancy Pelosi's Pledge to Repeal Hyde Amendment
- "Trump admin formalizes exit from health org it accuses of working for China."
US Pulls $62 Million in Funding From World Health Organization
- "Women's rights panel had criticized American abortion regulations."
US Rips UN Panel for Ignoring Chinese Human Rights Abuses
- "Alexei Navalny's poisoning is completely reprehensible. We will work with allies and the international community to hold those in Russia accountable, wherever the evidence leads, and restrict funds for their malign activities."
Top US Officials Slam Russia for Putin Critic Poisoning
- Michael Ledeen: "If they lie to their own dictator, will they tell us the truth?"
Lying to the Leader
- "For one thing, confident claims by Netanyahu, Kushner, and others that additional Arab states are waiting in line to follow the UAE's example are not -- so far -- being borne out."
A New Middle East of Arab-Israeli Rapport? Not So Fast
- "Mali matters, as does caution."
Bing Bang Bamako
- "Australians have no explicit right to protest their government at all. It's not in their constitution."
Australia's Arrest of a Pregnant Peaceful Chinese COVID Protester Proves the Genius of America's Founders
- What the hell is a government shutdown compared to the last 6 months?!
As Congress Wrestles With Stimulus Bill, Government Shutdown Looms
- "We've all put up with high taxes and regulations, but now the state Legislature is going further -- it's coming after our businesses and our right to earn a living."
The "No Limits" Legislature
- "Gov. Wretched Whitmer has come up with another way to keep you shackled."
Michigan's Backseat Driver
- "...the market felt due for a breather, investors said. Both the S&P 500 and Nasdaq hit record highs just the day before. Prior to Thursday, the S&P 500 had risen nine out of the previous 10 days." (within 500 points of the record high in February before lockdown madness - jjs)
Tech Rout Sends Stock Market to Its Biggest Loss Since June
- "His death received no public attention until Wednesday, when his family held a news conference and released police body camera video and written reports they obtained through a public records request."
Video Shows Cops Used "Spit Hood" While Restraining Naked Black Man Who Died of Asphyxiation
- "How is it possible to be a police officer in this environment? The moment a (non-white) suspect resists arrest, or goes for a gun, or tries to kill you or someone else, you lose. No matter what."
Our Lunatic Society Sympathizes More With Criminals Than Cops, and That's Made Enforcing the Law Impossible
- "While left-wing ideologues demand cities defund the police, the current situation in New York City offers a compelling case for law enforcement's existence."
New York City Suffers 50 Percent Murder Spike In August, Shootings More Than Double
- "Potential jurors can pre-judge junk prosecutions in self-defense cases." (jury nullification: it's what's for breakfast - jjs)
A Time for Prejudice
- "It is time we start treating structural racism like we would treat any other public health problem."
Fauxca-Has-Been Warren Introduces the "Anti-Racism In Public Health Act"
- "I absolutely cancel myself."
George Washington University Professor Apologizes For Pretending To Be Black
- Heh.
Biden: Trump's to Blame for Empty Schools. Cruz: "Pssst... Joe... You're the One Saying Shut Them All Down"
- "Is this a one-year [Chinese] coronavirus phenomenon, or will it change education?" (if it does, it was perhaps worth the suffering to break the back of Big Brainwash - jjs)
Thanks To Chinese Coronavirus Panic, 1 In 10 American Families Is Now Home-Schooling
- "The push to make leftist activism a requirement for graduation in the state of California."
Fitzgerald Video: California Schools - "Become a Leftist or Drop Out"
- Our intrepid science reporter reports: "Hot off the press: SpaceX completed ANOTHER successful Starship hop, this time with its sixth Starship prototype."
Another Successful Starship Prototype Hop
- And a two-fer, this time with more Martian geological chronicles.
Bright-Tipped Perplexing Terrain on Mars
- "They want to be in the suburbs in the San Fernando Valley or places farther out like the Westlake area -- places more peaceful, safe, and clean."
Luxury Real Estate Agents Claim Celebrities Are Moving Out of Hollywood
- "Clergymen condemn corporate China ties, human-rights abuse, and looting."
Black Clergy Take Aim at NBA and Nike for Chinese Slave Labor
- "If these paragons of physical strength and skill want to show they have real courage, they should review the facts and tell hard truths."
When Will a Prominent Black Athlete Stand Up to the Mob?
- "'This is my- was my business,' said Tom Gram, standing beside his wife, Irene. He gestured behind him, a mountain of rubble occupying the charred, brick shell of what once was Rode's Camera Shop."
After a Century Serving Kenosha, Rode's Camera Shop is a Pile of Ashes
- Christian Toto: "Spotify promptly erased select episodes of Rogan's Experience. What's next?"
Has Joe Rogan Already Waved the White Flag on Free Expression?
- "Critical race theory sees racism as something new in the world that was born with European imperialism, colonialism, capitalism, and rationalism."
To Find the Origins of Today's Race Rage, Start In 1960s Academia
- Daniel Greenfield: "Learn why private property is just a social construct for only 21 bucks."
Rich White Leftists Encourage Black People to Loot Their Neighborhoods
- Robert Spencer: "Charles Guiteau's madness helped pave the way for the deep state."
The Assassin Who Helped Create the Deep State
- My good friend Harry Stein with his memories of Tom Seaver.
Terrific: Tom Seaver, 1944-2020
- Floyd Welch. 1921-2020. RIP and thank you.
Decorated Veteran Who Saved Lives at Pearl Harbor Dies at 99
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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