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August 27, 2020
CNN Headline: Night of Blazing Arson Is "Fiery But Peaceful Protests"
From Vodkapundit's rundown of last night's riots peace.
"Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests."
When Insanity Wrap first saw this late last night, we assumed it was a clever photoshop.
But no. It's the real deal.
CNN couldn't think you’re that stupid, could they?
They could.
They do.
CNN's own reporter stood there in front of the still-burning hulks of what had previously been peoples' cars. Meanwhile, the infotainment network's editors, apparently, scrambled trying to think of a way to convince you that you weren't seeing with your own eyes exactly what CNN’s camera was showing you.
What they came up with was "fiery but mostly peaceful" and called it a night.
Insanity Wrap wishes no harm to anyone, period. We do find ourselves wondering though, how CNN would label acts of arson committed against CNN's offices and vehicles.
I think we're all wondering that with increasing frequency.
Meanwhile, CNN is shrieking about what I'll call Kyle Rittenouse's Shooty but Peaceful Protests in favor of civil order and respect for the law.
Instapundit just put this up: