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August 21, 2020

The Morning Report - 8/21/20


Good morning kids. The weekend is here and mercifully, the toxic waste train wreck that was the Democrat National Convention was put out of our misery, only to perhaps reappear in our nightmares as DNC Chairwraith Tom Perez wishes upon Trump and all of us. Understanding full well such Leftist institutions as Birkenau and Kolyma, the prospect of losing this election is what keeps me up at nights, so mission accomplished Tommy old boy. But I digress.

The big news last night is that Joe Biden - the drooling, gibbering bipedal kohlrabi who's nevertheless still sentient enough to grab little girls by the crotch and lucre from corrupt businessmen and politicians worldwide - actually seemed to string enough sentences together to make a coherent speech. That said, what came out of his maw did him no favors and did not move the needle; except in a positive direction for President Trump.

Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage Mag:

"I will draw on the best of us, not the worst of us," Joe Biden claimed, accepting his nomination after a convention filled with conspiracy theories about mailboxes, smears, and cheap shots.

That promise is coming from a politician who spent his career insulting voters, calling them fat and stupid, whose family is notorious for profiting from his political office, who palled around with segregationists and sexual predators, but whom three nights of celebrities and fellow hacks from across the political swamp spectrum now insist is really a kind, decent, and loveable man.

Biden's transformation after 47 years of nastiness is just as convincing as that of his party...

Andrea Widburg at American Thinker:

A weary sounding Joe Biden, who periodically managed to flog himself into a weak and shrill rage, delivered a singularly awful acceptance speech. When it wasn't hackneyed, he plagiarized ideas and policies from President Trump and made boasts that were inconsistent with his 48 years in politics, whether as a Senator or a Vice President. The worst thing about it, though, was that he repeated a vicious, and unforgivable, slander about Trump.

Here's a short list of Biden's platitudes: Trump is darkness. I am light. FDR was a great president. Help young people by ending Trump's darkness. America is racist. More darkness, more light...

Debra Heine at American Greatness:

Former Vice President Joe Biden formally accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for president Thursday night in a deeply dishonest speech that repeated the Charlottesville lie.

Biden never misses an opportunity to fulminate against the torch-carrying neo-nazis and their bulging veins, but besides lying about President Trump's "very fine people" comment, he also grossly mischaracterized the events of that day to suggest that the violent antifa and BLM counter-protesters were -- well -- very fine people...

Apparently convinced that stoking racial divisions will help Biden's electoral chances, his team has made the Charlottesville lie the centerpiece of his campaign. Indeed, he launched his campaign with the very same recitation of the lie, complete with the vivid description of their bulging neo-nazi veins (and fangs!).

Following Biden's speech, Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, suggested on Twitter that Biden had disqualified himself by telling "the most divisive lie in American history."

Finally Michael Goodwin at the New York Post:

He did it. Joe Biden got through the biggest speech of his life cleanly and coherently, without stumbling or mumbling or getting that far-away dazed look in his eyes.

That sounds like an incredibly low bar because it is, but it reflects the honest and serious debate about Biden's fitness. His age, 77, past health problems and the obvious signs that his faculties have been diminished raised the unprecedented possibility that he would not be able to carry out one of the routine performances of a major party nominee -- give an acceptance speech.

Coming into his party's virtual coronation, the test was not whether he would give a good speech or a bad speech. It was whether he could give a speech at all.

So congratulations to Biden for clearing a fundamental hurdle. Now the bar is raised and he should be treated as any other candidate. He can start by releasing his health and medical reports, which he has so far refused to do.

Most importantly, there is no excuse for him to hide any longer in his basement. Hidin' Biden must be a thing of history...

Bingo. If, as the Democrat-Media Complex will undoubtedly trumpet as proof positive that the rumor of Biden's brain turning into his breakfast are wildly exaggerated, then there will be no excuse in the eyes of the electorate for him not to face off against Trump in a series of debates. The Dems were screwed anyway; Biden could not have avoided giving a speech but now, Rasmussen has some rather interesting polling data that show Trump's approval actually going up as a result of this four-night Democrat carnival but more tellingly, that Democrat voter enthusiasm is pinging only slightly more activity than Biden's EEG. Seems they are voting more against Trump than for Biden. All of this does not bode well for them in terms of winning, let alone winning decisively.

Meanwhile, coming on the heels of Team Biden condemning the rioting, yesterday they disavowed the support from Democrat Jew-hater and sharia pimp supreme Linda Sarsour, the Hamas Louse. As I alluded to in a previous column, the up and coming Young Turks want to let their freak flags fly while the old guard are trying to keep the revolution on the down low, and the former ain't digging that at all.

Robert Spencer delves into the mixed messaging:

... The mixing of the message here is likely the result of careful consideration on the part of Democrat strategists. The most popular figure in the party today is not Joe Biden, and certainly not Kamala Harris. To the dismay of Democrat leaders who prefer their Marxism a bit more subtly presented, it's still Bernie Sanders.

Bernie is the only presidential candidate on the Left who inspires enthusiasm and passion that remotely approaches Donald Trump levels. Even though he is nearly 80 and suffered a heart attack in the past year, he is the standard-bearer of the youthful and vigorous wing of the party, the young, hate-filled, anti-American, far-left wing, the candidate of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the candidate of antifa and Black Lives Matter.

Sanders and his followers love Linda Sarsour; she was even a surrogate for his campaign. Thus she had to appear at the DNC as part of ongoing efforts to keep Bernie's base loyal and in line behind Biden.

In a sane political party, which leaves out the Democrats, Sarsour wouldn't be anywhere near any of the presidential contenders...

And if you think that Joe Biden's condemnation of Linda Sarsour signals a retreat from the anti-Semitism, radical leftism, and anti-Americanism she represents, you're in for a rude surprise in the unlikely event that the pollsters are telling us the truth this time, and on January 20, 2021, Biden becomes America's first figurehead president.

Amazing how Sarsour and Rancida Taliban, who absolutely understand the principle of "taqqiya" still can't see that the Democrat Party establishment and their media cohorts have been doing the socialist/atheist version of it for decades are doing it right now with Biden and Sanders. More importantly, the hard left base doesn't seem to grasp this either. Thank goodness.

Somewhat related to this was the exclusion of Tulsi Gabbard from all of the festivities. Well, this is not really surprising since she utterly destroyed Kamala Harris in a debate as well as the mortal sin of ripping Hillary Clinton. Too bad for the Democrats; Gabbard is relatively young, attractive, a good debater and also a military veteran. In essence, despite her being a liberal, it's a safe bet she's not a raging leftist, although when push comes to shove she will vote in lockstep with whatever Democrat madness is put in front of her. She would've been a formidable contender and in essence, a taqqiya candidate to win over the vaunted independents and moderates. But, as we have seen, the Democrats are going all in on going full Marxist and so Gabbard really now has no future in that party, at least not any higher than where she is. That is, until Toothy McBigTits tries to primary her with a true believer, which is likely her fate.

Lots of other lowlights including Obama's fly choosing a fresher pile of low-slung dung to land on.

Finally, I want to touch upon the arrest and charging of Steve Bannon. As CBD stated yesterday, of which I am in full agreement, if the charges against Bannon and the others are backed with evidence to prove his guilt, then he deserves to face the music. BUT - - given that these charges are coming out of the Southern District of New York, and hours before the final night of a disastrous Democrat convention, I question the timing. More importantly, given what has happened to Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and George Papadopoulos, I am smelling a giant rat here.

And also given the fact that the Clintons as well as the Bidens who have a record of shady dealings, influence peddling and outright treasonous actions that put our national security at serious risk (Loral Space, Uranium One, for starters), and of course the ongoing coup to sabotage and then overthrow the 2016 election, that they remain unpunished and untouched makes me almost not give a damn about Bannon. We have a two-faced justice system. If you are in favor with the globalists, you are unmolested. If not, you're fucked. And that goes for the animals who are laying waste to our cities and stomping people in the head.

Change that and then maybe change my mind. Have a great weekend.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by at 07:56 AM

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