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August 20, 2020
Audio From Goodyear Training Session Leaks:
Leftwing Messaging Is Okay, Because Leftwing Political Agitation Isn't Political
Goodyear says that any message that has to do with "social justice" or racial grievance is "appropriate," because they are -- insanely -- deeming that non-political.
Only conservative messages are "political." Leftwing agitation is just The Truth that All Good People on the Right Side of History believe.
"Some people may wish to express their views on social justice or inequity or equity issues such as black lives matter or LGBTQ pride on their face coverings, shirts or wristbands. That will be deemed approved because it applies with a zero-tolerance stance," the speaker on the recording said during the meeting. "However if any associate wears all, blue, white lives matter shirts or face coverings, that will be not appropriate."
It "applies" with the zero-policy stance, this illiterate says.
He/she/they meant "complies."
English, motherfucker, do you speak it?
Had enough?
Have you had enough of Jim Crow rules, pushed and promoted by leftist-converged corporations, with the aim of making you and your children second-class citizens, or do you want more?
Cash these motherfuckers out.
Boycott them until the entire management team is fired, and the incoming team fires the social justice termites in Human Resources.
Via Tim Pool.
It is perhaps because of the leak of this audio -- and because the company already lost 6% of their stock value yesterday -- that Goodyear has now partially retracted its clearly biased (and racially biased, to boot) policy.
They'll allow pro-police messages on masks.
And that's it. They're still claiming that support of the avowedly Marxist, grievance terrorism group Black Lives Matter is not "political," nor is pushing "Love is Love" and other messaging of the Sexual Fringe Left, but that supporting Republicanism or Trump is political (and on The Wrong Side of History).
But they can't claim you can agitate against cops but not for cops, so they have made that single allowance.
And I doubt they'll really allow it -- anyone wearing a Blue Lives Matter mask can expect to be harassed for a welter of petty complaints until they get the message and stop wearing that mask that they're now supposedly permitted to wear.
The boycott is on, as far as I'm concerned.
They must be Made to Care -- for our goodwill, and our willingness to do business with then.
The corporate left aren't the only people who can engage in dehumanization and boycotts intended to separate targets from society and any hope of making a living wage.
We can do that too. In fact, we must do that.
Unless we're all now ready to let our children be forever dehumanized.
And you know, the Acela C*ckservative class who's telling us that we should allow our children to be dehumanized, rather than ruffle the feathers of one of their corporate class donors -- you can just fuck yourselves right to hell.
It's time to cash out the Acela Corridor class, too. For every Rick Wilson you see who is openly working with Democrats, there are 100 "conservative activists" and politicians secretly working with Democrats.
In a way, Rick Wilson is the least objectionable sort of "Republican." At least his betrayal of you is out in the open and subject to debate.