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August 12, 2020
"This is Fear:" Bill Kristol Desperately Brainstorming Ideas for Getting Biden Out of Debates
I like how he portrays his desperate brainstorming sesh as just a stray, off-the-top-of-my-head "innocent thought:"
Just an innocent thought: We've seen Biden in office for over four decades, and we've seen Trump nonstop for the last four years. We've seen enough to make up our minds about them. So let’s skip the presidential debates but have three vice-presidential debates.
Just an innocent thought: Based on his extraordinary change of personality and addiction to twitter, I think Bill Kristol knows well the symptoms of an old weak man whose brains are turning to garbage.
Just another innocent thought: He sees the same symptoms in Biden, only more advanced.
And still this corrupt nepot, grifter, and egotist pushes a demented man for president.