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August 12, 2020
In Chicago, a Two-Year-Old With Brain Cancer Misses Trip Home to Celebrate His Birthday... Because Black Lives Matter Attacked the Ronald McDonald House Where He Was Staying
Another Mostly Peaceful Protest of a 2-year-old brain cancer patient.
Two-year-old Owen Buell and his family have been staying at the Ronald McDonald House near Lurie Children’s Hospital while he receives treatment for Stage 4 neuroblastoma.
They were supposed to go home to Joliet to celebrate his birthday.
"We were going to have cake and ice cream and do some presents at home with his siblings and his grandma," said Owen's mother, Valerie Mitchell.
But looting throughout downtown Chicago made it impossible.
"We got a phone call from the nurse saying that none of the nurses could make it in for safety concerns and they didn’t want any families in the middle of that trying to walk into Lurie's," Mitchell said.
The Ronald McDonald House was one of several locations hit early Monday morning.
Black Lives Matter has of course staged a rally to stand in solidarity with the looters.
Black Lives Matter holds rally in Chicago to support those arrested after looting, unrest
That is reparations," a BLM organizer said. "Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance"
Black Lives Matter members in Chicago held a rally on Monday to support the more than 100 arrested last night following widespread looting and rioting that caused at least $60 million in property damage and saw 13 police officers injured, according to a report.
"I don't care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy's or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats," said Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, according to NBC Chicago. "That makes sure that person has clothes."
"That is reparations," Atkins continued. "Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance."

You see a brave little kid fighting cancer.
I see 45 pounds of White Privilege.
Don't expect to see this story on TV, obviously. Nothing must be permitted to distract from the narrative that these "protests" are right and holy and that anyone who opposes them is a racist monster.