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August 07, 2020
Murdoch Brothers Feuding as the More Leftwing One Quits Over "Editorial Content" And the Liberal One Who Wants to Make Money Praises Fox News
They both need to quit, and to take Paul Ryan, Chris Wallace, Christ Stirewalt, and the rest of the "Brain Team" with them.
James Murdoch, 47, quit the board of News Corp last week
On Thursday Lachlan, who is the CEO of Fox Corporation and Rupert's 'golden child', praised Fox staff, telling them audiences turned to them 'more than ever'
'FOX News was also the leading prime time network in June', Lachlan, 48, added
The brothers have had a tumultuous relationship over the years
It became more frayed than ever recently after Lachlan was promoted over his younger brother by their father, despite James' loyalty to the family company
James has been publicly critical of its news platforms in the past
He is known as the more liberal Murdoch brother, while his older sibling Lachlan's views seem to be more aligned with those of his conservative father
James has spoken out against his father's company on a number of occasions, with him and his wife Kathryn slamming the family business for promoting climate change 'denials' during the Australian bushfire crisis in January.
The pair released a statement saying they were 'disappointed' by the coverage of the fires by Fox News and other News Corp outlets.
He was even last year reportedly looking to set up a $1billion new project including a liberal news outlet, in stark contrast to his father's Fox News.
In March it was further suggested he pumped money into start-ups looking to combat fake news.
His firm Lupa Systems was said to have teamed up with Betaworks to create a 'more sustainable news ecosystem'.
This powercuck wanted to partner up with "Betaworks"?
Makes sense.