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August 04, 2020
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
We mock (for many good reasons) the "trans" movement in America. The idea that the immutable programming in each of our 30,000,000,000,000 cells (3x1013) can be changed with hormone injections and some surgery is just...nuts!
And that's the point. Sometimes we forget that most of the people who subject themselves to this profound mutilation are themselves profoundly disturbed. Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing something radically different than reality. You and I look in the mirror and see ourselves. These people, like anorexics, see something detached from the truth.
Yet we celebrate one psychiatric pathology and treat the other. And even those who study them are twisting their research to follow the political winds. These folks were pilloried when they released their study and had to correct the record!
And that record is damning. "Transitioning" doesn't help...it hurts.
'Transitioning' Procedures Don't Help Mental Health, Largest Dataset Shows
Individuals diagnosed with gender incongruence who had received gender-affirming surgery were more likely to be treated for anxiety disorders compared with individuals diagnosed with gender incongruence who had not received gender-affirming surgery.
Wow; Orwell would have loved this! "Gender-affirming?" What the hell does that mean?
Anyway, this large study calls into question many things, not least of which is the appropriateness of trying to switch from male to female or female to male. It just doesn't work, and clearly exposes the underlying issue, which is psychiatric illness, not a man trapped in a woman's body.
The forced "transition" of children is another issue entirely. That is called child abuse and deserves the full weight of the law to come down on the parents who would force horrid, life-destroying drug therapy ending in surgical mutilation on a child. As for the physicians who agree to this sort of malpractice? Perhaps the physicians among us would like to opine...
Let's get these people help, and not cheer their insanity and hoist them up onto some woke pedestal where they are emboldened to preach the gospel of mutilation.