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July 29, 2020
Shock: David French Attacks Pro-Life Christian Conservatives In Order to Score Points for His Leftwing Friends... Again
As a friend says: "It's the classic David French tweet format: Preachy, Conservative/Christian Shaming, False Facts Collected from Leftwing Twitter Feeds."
If David French would like to know why conservatives are skeptical of masks, he could ask them.
If he knew any, that is.
Which he doesn't. So he makes guesses about what conservatives do or do not believe, and why they believe what they believe, just as his leftwing political allies do.
The Conservatives in the Mist treatment the leftwing press gives to conservatives -- treating them as dumb animals to be studied from afar instead of simply interviewed, as one would do with a human being.
And David French, naturally, follows his leftwing tribe in this.
Is anyone pretending this trans-trending c*ck is anything but a full-on "Blessings of Liberty" progressive antifa supporter?
He's a worst journalist than he is a lawyer. Once again, he states his anti-Christian assumptions as facts without bothering to check them.
Right from the lizard part of his brain to Twitter with no fact-checking or basic due diligence.
Degenerate twitter addicts need attention at all times -- and spending a few minutes alone, off social media, fact-checking a claim gets you no retweets!
If he had checked his assumptions -- if he did the very least amount of due diligence expected of any semi-serious writer -- he would have found that that the overwhelming majority of Republicans (and hence, "pro-life conservatives") support wearing masks.
It's not quite as high as the percentage of the Obey Your Superiors Democrats who support wearing masks, but it's very high.

So 68% of Republicans support mask-wearing, versus 92% of Democrats.
And my tipster points out that most of this difference is probably just due to the urban/rural divide. People who live in a lot of space really don't need masks as much as subway-riding New Yorkers do.
But note that last poll result: When asked if they believed that Republicans supported mask-wearing or not, Democrats were laughably inaccurate in their guesses.
Republicans, as usual, correctly intuited what Democrats believed, but Democrats, also as usual, were completely out-to-sea about what the Average Republican thinks.
As the friend who tipped me this says:
Isn't it terribly strange that David French, Super Christian Ultra-Conservative, keeps making the exact same slanderous mistakes about conservatives that his progressive twitter friends do?
Isn't weird that every one of David French's thoughts so perfectly tracks with the Twitter musings of Chris Hayes or Brian Stelter?
Either David French is a progressive -- period -- or Chris Hayes and Brian Stelter are also super-duper Strong Christian Conservatives.
I'm thinking option A is the more likely one.
Theory: Jake Tapper, or possibly Brian Stelter, honeydicked David French and "turned" him.
And Jonah Goldberg, too.