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July 08, 2020
The Morning Report - 7/8/20
Good morning, kids. Wednesday and a couple of items are standing out that though seemingly unrelated, are in fact part and parcel of the overall effort by the Democrat-Globalist effort to defeat President Trump and then seize absolute power once and for all.
First, we have so-called Senator Tammy Duckworth, whom we must not and cannot ever criticize because she is a wounded combat veteran, openly calling for the dynamiting of Mount Rushmore and erasing George Washington from our history. It's funny because the "War on Terror" (spit) where Duckworth got her legs blown off was being waged against combatants from a repressive, retrograde barbaric culture that also had a penchant for dynamiting historical sites that did not comport with its mad weltanschauung. Amazing how similar "progressivism" and Islam are in this and in many other fundamental ways ("They laugh alike, they walk alike, At times they even talk alike - You can lose your mind, When cousins are two of a kind!). The fact that Duckworth on national television came out in favor of doing the exact same thing here, on our own soil, to our own culture and history is just stunning beyond description.
And then, when she gets called on it by Tucker Carlson, she has the unmitigated temerity to take offense and attack a legitimate criticism. But this is a typical Leftist tactic. They will never debate you because they know they'll get their ass kicked. What they seek to do is shriek, scream and smear you, if they cannot silence or cower you into submission. Carlson was having none of it.
...The senator apparently objected to a segment on Carlson's show in which the host criticized Duckworth for savaging President Donald Trump's Mount Rushmore speech as a tribute to "dead traitors" and suggesting it was time to "listen to the conversation" about taking down statues of President George Washington.
"We played that for you last night and we noted how grotesque it was," Carlson said about Duckworth's seeming willingness to remove Washington's statues. "Only someone who hates the country would suggest ripping down monuments to its founder," he said.
Carlson noted that Duckworth did not deny his criticizing but instead "questioned our right to criticize her at all since she was once injured while serving in the Illinois National Guard. That's what passes for an argument in modern identity politics: they don't address the points that you make; they question your right to make them at all..."
He invited Duckworth to debate the issue on show but was informed by her office that "before even considering our request, we must first issue a public apology for criticizing Tammy Duckworth." Carlson described Duckworth as someone who "is too afraid to defend her own statements on a cable TV show: what a coward..."
Speaking of incest and incestuous relationships, we have Bro-Fo Omar/Nur, the Jew-hating, America-hating immigration fraudster calling for not only the dismantling of monuments but of the entire American political and free market system. How does this and the poisonous bilge from the holier-than-thou-roller Duckworth jibe with their oaths to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic? Spoiler alert: it doesn't.
Duckworth and Omar are not outliers. They are part and parcel of the Democrat Party in its entirety. The latter is openly fomenting insurrection with only the barest of gossamer-thin fig leafs of pretense of being pro-American. It's one thing for the Burn-Loot-Murder crowd to openly trash the country; I can deal with that. But when Democrats like Schemer, Malig-Nancy and Duckworthless claim the mantle of righteousness and demonize us as the ones who are anti-American, that's just the bitter end for me. And the only reason they can get away with this bilge is because they have the media to reinforce the propaganda as well as censor opposing voices, much of the bureaucracy behind them to crush opposition - see this link about the persecution of people who dared paint over "BLM" on a California Street (but eradicating Mount Rushmore is patriotism, right?) and more alarmingly, corporate America and what's left of Main Street USA enforcing the terrorism. That is chilling. Like the perpetually-lying-in-state McCain, the Left and the cuck-servatives will no doubt blast anyone for criticizing a veteran, regardless of what that person said. Naturally, that only applies to veterans who are either Democrats or who are down with the program, unlike, for instance, General Michael Flynn. Funny how the Left, historically anti-military are now the staunchest defenders of our "heroes in uniform."
Aside from the glaring hypocrisy, there's also another insidious reason. It's to lay the groundwork for a potential physical coup against President Trump should he outright win re-election or G-d forbid we have a repeat of 2000 brought about by the inherent fraud with mail-in voting. Thanks to Obama's purging of flag officers and replacing them with Bearclaw Vindman-types, as well as the politicization of the Pentagon, we now have McGenerals and McAdmirals like Mattis, McRaven, McChrystal, McMaster and all sorts of other lackies in uniform that will actually do the unthinkable.
Speaking of Stanley McChrystal, he is a fucking snake and extremely dangerous. Recall that he openly boasted about the disinformation tactics used against our foreign enemies being used here, in this country, against Trump to counter the President's "disinformation" - i.e. the truth - about the phony Chinese Lung AIDS pandemic. Don't think for a minute that his McChrystal Group is not at this very minute doing the same thing to make the President out to be some sort of unstable tyrant who will declare himself emperor this November 3rd.
And speaking of disinformation and the attempt to sabotage the elections yet again, we have Dr. Anthony Fauci continuing to pump out the party line that the Peking Pox Pandemic will be the death of us all. That is, unless we continue to tank our economy by imprisoning the entire population - except of course for rioters, looters and protesters. But that still means that going to the polls in person to vote will mean extinction of the entire species! It seems to me that the rioting over the death of that guy in Minneapolis not only had no effect against Trump, but quite the opposite. I think that the only gambit they have left is to ramp up Sino Sinus Syphilis panic yet again because of all the massive new cases. Forget that the never reported flat to declining death rate along with the spike means that the virus is now - and always has been - marginally more deadly than seasonal flu. Or that the CDC itself said that the danger is essentially over; news that Fauci publicy poo-pooed! The media will have him as the point person to distort and embargo the facts from now until Election Day. And if Trump tries to sideline him, well, you can guess the rest.
Dangerous times.
- Attorney General Barr: Throw the fucking book at them.
Seven Portland Protesters Face Federal Charges
- "We were careless when describing the inferences that could be made from our data."
Authors of Study on Race and Police Killings Seek Retraction Because Conservatives Cite It
- "Philadelphia prepares to disassemble its own autonomous zone."
The Waning Days of Camp Maroon
- "Hood" ornament."
BLM Protester Injured After Car Speeds Off With Her on the Hood
- I'm convinced that Fauci is acting in concert with the Deep State to try and sabotage the elections. This is laying the propaganda groundwork.
Fauci Downplays Lower Chinese Coronavirus Death Rate as "False Narrative"
- And yet Fauci persists.
CDC: Official US Chinese COVID Death Count Has Plunged 88% Since Mid-April
- "From listening to the mindless tropes from fact-free media headlines, one would think that all the Southern states are now at least as bad as New York was in March, if not worse."
The Media's Chinese Coronavirus Con: Would You Rather Be FL/TX or NY/NJ?
- "I want to re-engage this economy more than anyone, but I'm not going to do it if it is too risky to do so, and that's why we're staying focused on the epidemiology."
Wretched Whitmer: "I'm Not Going to be Bullied" Into Reopening
- "Although their ultimate effectiveness at curbing the spread of [Chinese] coronavirus is disputed, the issue of mandatory masking has been hotly debated for weeks as leaders deal with [Chinese] coronavirus spikes in their states."
Pennsylvania Governor Says Statewide Mask Order Could Last "Until We Get a Vaccine"
- Assemblyman Ron Kim: "This is a conflict of interest for the health department to investigate its own poor decisions."
Angel-of-Death Cuomo's NY Health Dept. Clears Angel-of-Death Cuomo of Responsibility For Nursing Home Deaths
- "[Angel-of Death] Cuomo's fateful decision to return [Chinese] Covid-19 patients to care facilities ought to haunt him -- and us.
The Nursing-Home Catastrophe
- Michael Goodwin: "Cuomo has the nerve to blame grieving family members and heroic nursing-home staffers, charging they were the ones who infected and killed as many 12,000 elderly and helpless residents."
No, Angel-of-Death Cuomo, NY's Nursing Home Carnage is Your Fault
- "A mistaken mask mandate hits Texas."
Don't Mask, Don't Tell
- "While gathering to worship G-d, celebrate the country, and vote are deemed selfish attacks on our neighbors, gatherings to protest Christianity, the country, the police, the Republican president, and capitalism are viciously defended."
The Anti-American Pattern of Elites' Chinese Coronavirus Restrictions
- Is it a steel-belted radial doused in hi-test?
Indonesia Promotes Government Necklace That Can "Kill the [Chinese] Coronavirus"
- "We bring criminal cases when they are ready to be brought and when we are confident we can prove them beyond a reasonable doubt." (...but only when they hurt our political enemies - jjs)
Federal Prosecutors Refuse To Give More Info On Why It Took 24 Years To Arrest Ghislaine Maxwell
- America is so deeply and inherently racist, Democrats have to fake it to prove it.
Oregon Politician Said He Received Racist Letter. He Wrote It Himself, Police Say
- "Cunningham's trash firm took $1 to $2 million from 'unacceptable' Trump program."
NC Dem Takes Millions From Coronavirus Program He Criticized
- "Benjamin Gideon's firm received up to $2 million in PPP loans."
Maine Dem's Husband Benefited From Small Business Relief She Criticized
- [The] "rogue's gallery of hate and violence merchants aren't groups that just happened to support Ocasio-Cortez's letter -- they are the groups she sought out."
The BDS Democrats
- "Regardless of his intentions, the messages he shared were offensive, harmful, and absolutely appalling. They have no place in our society, and are not condoned or supported in any way by the organization."
Eagles Respond to DeSean Jackson's Anti-Semitic Posts
- "J Street and NIAC take taxpayer cash to fuel anti-Israel, pro-Iran agenda."
Anti-Israel Soros Groups Cash In on Chinese Coronavirus Relief Funds
- "This is the person lecturing the rest of us about her moral authority as a veteran... Spare us."
Tucker Carlson: Tammy Duckworth a "Coward, "Fraud" -- "She Has No Moral Authority"
- "[Bro-Fo] Omar took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution, not shred it. [Bro-Fo] Omar and her Marxist comrades are a threat to our Democracy. [Bro-Fo] Omar should resign."
Senator Marsha Blackburn Demands Bro-Fo Omar Resignation
- "We're at a dangerous crossroads, and [Bro-Fo] Omar's radical demands should help Americans understand what's at stake.
A Time for Choosing
- "Voter suppression was baked into the notion of America."
Tank Abrams: US Constitution "Began the Practice of Voter Suppression"
- "Their Independence Day messages tell us all we need to know about our 2020 choice."
Trump v. Biden on America Past and Present
- "I'm not going to go. And I'm not going to go because of the virus situation."
Sen. Chuck Grassley to Miss GOP Convention Due to Chinese COVID-19 Concerns
- "You just can't stop dipping can you @DebraMessing?" Turner tweeted. "Your connotation is racist."
Sen. Bernie Sanders' Campaign Co-Chair: "Black Voters Are Not Owned by Anyone"
- "Watch the 6th District of Virginia. Its politics provide an interesting window into the state of the nation."
Boiling Problems in Western Virginia Could Lose Republicans a Winnable State
- "The recent pogroms reflect the expectations of the dwellers of the Democrats' swamp on the value of their political positions after losing in November."
The Gangsterization of the Democrat Party
- "Warning: A political tsunami is coming. What refills its displacement and arises in the aftermath of its destruction -- a restoration or transformation -- will be up to us."
The Political Tsunami of 2020
- "The choice we as a country will make in November is clear: Trump and patriotism or Biden and globalism. Development or decline. It is just that simple."
Patriotism vs. Globalism in 2020: A Country Is at Stake
- "A World Bank report... reveals the extent to which foreign nationals living in the U.S. drain mostly untaxed money from the nation's economy to send to relatives overseas."
Migrants in US Send $19 Billion in Mostly Untaxed Remittances to China
- Not only is this an example of insurrection, but it is de-facto state sponsored terrorism.
ICE Frustrated, Says Maryland County Released an Illegal Accused of Child Rape
- "The decision to step down comes as the company nears its five-year anniversary."
Ben Shapiro Steps Down As the Daily Wire's Editor-In-Chief
- "Reporting on historic gay rights moment doesn't align with reality."
History Is Whatever the New York Times Wants It To Be
- "The Times isn't worried about money and politics on Facebook. They're simply trying to dominate the system themselves, barring all others."
The New York Times Dropped Millions On Facebook To Advertise the 1619 Project... While Trying To Bully Facebook Into Censoring Others
- "A small piece of advice for anyone preparing a submission to the New York Times: do perform a thorough background check on each and every person you intend to cite."
Bret Stephens, the Gray Lady, and "The Great Awokening"
- "The author of the book, Abigail Shrier, says that seemingly out of nowhere two percent of students now claim to be transgender, and that it's mostly female students. She said it used to be a very tiny percentage of students and attributes the increase to 'social contagion.'"
Amazon Blocks Advertising for Book Criticizing the "Transgender Craze" Among Female Students
- "One post claims the pro-life movement was started by 'racist evangelicals who needed an issue to latch onto as school segregation began losing in the court of public opinion.'"NY Times Reporter Reposts False Smears About Pro-Lifers and Pregnancy Centers
- "VanDerWerff's criticism is indicative of a growing movement among journalists to replace objectivity in reporting with progressive values."
Open Letter Endorsing Free Speech Sparks Civil War at Vox
- "The cultural commissars come for conservative books."
Purifying Publishing
- Don't the Chi-Coms know who controls the weather? Anyway, apparently there's lots of internal infighting between Javad Zarif and the mullahs on this.
Iran Negotiating 25-Year China Deal "with Confidence and Conviction"
- "An explosion Thursday shook the building, which produces low-enriched uranium, and when satellite photos emerged over the weekend it appeared to have a large hole in the side."
Report: Some Experts Say Explosion At Iranian Nuclear Plant Was An Attack
- Also, Israel's Mossad had "recently foiled planned or attempted Iranian attacks on Israeli diplomatic missions in Europe and elsewhere," and that "frustration is growing fast in Iran."
Report: In Devastating Blow, Israel Sets Back Iran's Nuke Program Two Years
- "One of the main purposes of having the national security law is to quash the international front of the movement."
Hong Kong Expat Says China Is Setting Up "Global Fight" Between "Authoritarianism Versus Democracy"
- "Why was such dramatic action was taken, given that the disease is well understood and treatments are readily available?"
Mongolia Quarantines Region Next to China's Border After Outbreak of Bubonic Plague
- Good. Now withdraw from the UN entirely.
United States Will Withdraw From the World Health Organization
- Listen, Fat. What the Farsi Ferret sez I do, I does!
Biden Rebukes President Trump's Decision To Withdraw From WHO With Day One Promise
- "We interrupt this program on doom and gloom to bring you a comedy special. Live! From New York! It's the UN Human Rights Council!"
They're a Joke: UNHRC Finds Soleimani Assassination Violated UN Charter
- "North Korea's cold shoulder to diplomatic overtures from the West comes amid rising tensions with South Korea."
North Korea Refuses to Meet with Visiting US Official
- "Jordan continues its refusal to extradite terrorist Al-Tamimi."
Will President Trump bring King Abdullah to Heel?
- An "unfortunate slip of the tongue."
Kayleigh McEnany's Reference To Armenian Genocide Memorial Angers Turkish Embassy
- "The window of opportunity might close in November, 2020."
Israel's Sovereignty Claim in Judea and Samaria
- "His comments come amid rising tensions between the US and China and as scrutiny on TikTok and Chinese technology firms continues to grow."
Pompeo: US Considering Banning TikTok Over National Security Concerns
- "The US-owned firms will likely have to follow suit -- and fast, before the cops come a-knocking and arresting. This, even though they all score big revenues from ads bought by Chinese companies."
Beijing Just Told Big Tech to Flee Hong Kong
- "When US Air Force leaders issue divisive social media comments on George Floyd, they sully the USAF's shared values of Integrity, Service, and Excellence."
Why Military Brass Should Not Mouth Off About George Floyd On Facebook
- Robert Spencer: "If anti-Muslim hate crimes do not exist, they must be invented. They're simply too politically useful to do without."
CAIR Demands Firing of Barista Who Called a Woman Named Aishah "ISIS"
- It's "attacks?"
Report: Chief Justice John Roberts Hospitalized in June with Head Injury
- "The bill, which provides more than $4 billion to fund the legislative branch as part of the fiscal year that begins in October, is almost certain not to pass in its current form due to how Congress has run its appropriations process in recent years."
House Dems Include Removal of Confederate Statues in Funding Bill
- "In a Democrat-run city, white employees are taught that they are inherently racist and must abase themselves properly."
A Maoist Cultural Revolution Comes for Seattle's White Employees
- "The [Chinese] COVID-19 crisis has been turned into a government-planned giveaway scheme to benefit social progressivism."
How Thrift Became a Casualty of the Fiscal "Plandemic"
- "Industry study found that Obama rule cut 375,000 jobs."
House Dems Look to Resurrect Harmful Obama-Era Labor Regulation
- "So-called Court independence and neutrality, as promoted by our woke imperial establishment, is whenever the Court rules to defend its illegal imperium."
The Fallacy of Court Neutrality
- "...the closing Dunkin' locations will be the ones located inside Speedway gas stations, not free-standing brick and mortar restaurants."
Dunkin' [Donuts] Will Permanently Close 450 Stores
- "While we're starting to see signs of economic revival, some areas are experiencing more of a recovery than others. Millions are rethinking where they live."
Why Millions of Americans Might Be About to Ditch City Living
- "We're sick of this narrative. The narrative of police brutality, the narrative of oppression, the narrative of racism. It's a lie." (guess who financed the campaign of the DA who charged them - jjs)
California Duo Charged with Hate Crime for Defacing BLM Mural
- "Officers spoke with [the victim] Garcia for around 10 minutes before he reportedly asked to be shot."
Police Fatally Shot a Man in a Parked Car After They Say He Raised a Gun to Officers
- "Police do not believe that the human died where the head was found, but it is unclear when the head was put on the roadside." (let's get a BLM social worker to investigate - jjs)
Human Head Found On Roadside By Jogger
- "Despite knowing Mr. Epstein's terrible criminal history, the Bank inexcusably failed to detect or prevent millions of dollars of suspicious transactions."
Deutsche Bank Must Pay $150 Million For Failure To Monitor Epstein's Accounts
Lloyd Billingsley: "Black male murder suspect, white female victim - but no hate crime, racism, or even protests of 'gun violence.'"
- Death and Double Standards in California
- Just draw the red line now, Secretary DeVos! Sheesh.
Molly DeVos Looking "Very Seriously" At Withholding Federal Funding From Schools That Refuse To Open
- "The gravest internal threat to this country is not illegal aliens; it is leftist professors who are waging a war against America and teaching our young people to hate this country."
Defund the Police? How About We Defund the Universities
- Why not Washington too, while you're at it?
Washington & Lee Professors Vote to Remove "Lee" from School Name
- "Southern Poverty Law Center, known for including conservative organizations on its list of "hate groups," created Teaching Tolerance to promote "anti-bias" and "social justice" education in classrooms."
Virginia School District Develops New "Anti-Racist" Curriculum Shaped by Southern Poverty Law Center
- "Universities defend price hikes even as they move to online classrooms."
Colleges Hike Tuition, Slash Classroom Instruction
- Our intrepid science reporter says, "The next big goal when they reach that sulfate-bearing unit will be to not only study it but to also study a recurring slope lineae on the slopes of that unit, a streak that darkens and lightens seasonally that might be caused by seeping brine from below."
Rover Update: Curiosity's Future Journey
- "The free exchange of information and ideas, the lifeblood of a liberal society, is daily becoming more constricted."
J.K. Rowling, Noam Chomsky Among Dozens to Call for End to "Cancel Culture"
- A Hemmings is hawings...
Direct Descendant Of Thomas Jefferson Says His Memorial Should Be Taken Down
- "I'm thankful that the president made the statement that he made in his speech about protecting Mount Rushmore and other monuments across the country."
SD Gov. Noem on Statue, Monument Debate: "This Isn't About Equality Anymore -- This Is a Radical Rewriting of Our History"
- "If we're inclined to glide past the Marxist fingerprints all over America's current turmoil, assuming its ideas will flare up for a while and then burn out, we're not paying attention."
If We Don't Stop It, Marxism Will Annihilate the American Way of Life
- Daniel Greenfield: "Modern Slavery Matters on the new Communist plantations."
Coke, Nike, and Pro-Black Lives Matter Corps are Using Slave Labor
- "Cancel everything or nothing."
Conversation Around the Musical Hamilton Reveals the Hypocrisy of the Cancel Culture
- "The hit Broadway musical Hamilton is patriotic and aspirational. Without hiding our national sins, Hamilton upholds 1776 over 1619 as our true founding."
Hamilton is the Perfect Answer to the 1619 Project's Attempt to Erase America
- "The supposedly 'anti-slavery' Left is lacking in perspective even in the most generous interpretation of their antics."
What's Being Missed in the "Anti-Slavery" Defenestration Campaign
- "Each grand movement to liberate mankind finds itself backing into forms of government that dispense more and more with the lingering conventions of 'the consent of the governed.'"
Beware Of Those Whose Demands For Social Justice Will Only Bring About Slavery
- "Behold the fruits of the 1960s."
Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie
- "Borglum's story is American to its core, like that of the men whose likenesses he carved -- all flawed geniuses who accomplished more than what was actually in them."
The Left and Borglum's Legacy
- "What we think about things can be as important as the things themselves, because it forms our moral stance toward the world. But what if our thoughts are in error?"
A Reign of Error
- "The 1997 thriller isn't Jurassic Park, but it delivers a monster for the ages."
Why The Relic is a Horror Junkie's Dream
- Rabbi Fischer: "Now revealing the reason that sometimes I seem to have disappeared for weeks at a time."
In Memoriam: For Ellen, My Precious Wife of 20 Years, the Love of My Life -- Part 2 of 2
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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