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July 02, 2020
The Morning Report - 7/2/20
Good morning, kids. Thursday, and it's another one of those days where the links will either scare the crap out of you or you'll marvel at how the Democrats are just playing Russian roulette, not with one bullet but five in the chamber. All things considered, with open violence and mayhem, the Maoist-inspired figurative and literal dismantling of our culture, and the censorship, remonstration and physical intimidation of even the slightest hint of dissent, things like the House passing a $1.5 trillion economy-killing environmental bill, promising to kill the filibuster, pushing for DC statehood i.e. two more Democrat Senators, gun confiscation, massive tax increases, instant citizenship for millions and millions of illegal aliens, nationalizing local community boards (see below) and on and on should seal the deal with anyone who has even marginally more brain cells than Donkey-Chompers AOC. I mean, seal the deal to keep Trump in office and the Dems in the minority.
Yes, every election season includes the hyperbolic phrase "this is the most important election of our lifetime." In fairness, given who and what the Democrats are and always have been, that has always been true, given the aftermath of Johnson, Carter, Clinton and Obama.
But we have crossed into territory where it is not only not hyperbolic but fairly accurate to state this may be the last election of our lifetime. As Joel Pollak told Ezra Levant:
..."We are staring down the barrel of a 'Red November,' and I don't see how we recover from that politically if [Donald] Trump loses because Democrats have made it clear... they're not interested in solving the problem they've identified with policing. They just want the issue, and that tells me they want to keep fomenting this sort of unrest."
... Pollak warned, "What they're going to do is a complete socialist revolution. Before, I thought maybe it was a little whimsical to suggest that. Now I believe it's 100 percent true."
..."They're going to create a new Democrat-held Senate. They're going to knock away the filibuster to get rid of minority protections in the Senate, and they're just going to pass whatever they want. It's going to be Green New Deal, amnesty for illegal immigrants, you name it. This is going to be a socialist revolution. They'll rewrite the histories afterward so that those of us who remember things a little differently will be called racists. We won't be published; we won't be heard."
"They will tell themselves, the country, and the world that this was the second American Revolution, that this was the socialist revolution to correct all of the flaws in the original model. That's what they can taste already. That's what they feel is happening."
...The future is not predetermined, maintained Pollak.
"Essentially we're in a situation where the country is going to sink if Democrats win," Pollak said. "They've made their intentions absolutely clear. We're facing a second American Revolution. It's something that worries us constantly now on the right, and a lot of the anxiety you see comes from a productive place. People are anxious about finding solutions for this. There's still time to turn it around..."
I can't quote the entire piece, but Pollak ends on an upbeat yet pragmatic note on what we and the President have to do to make he sure he crosses the finish line first come November. I agree with him insofar as even the obstacles now intentionally put in our way via the national hostage crisis of the Chinese Lung AIDS lockdowns, as well as the constant drumbeat of gloom, doom and fear about that coupled with the usual lies and distortions of the Democrat propagandists with press credentials can be overcome.
The problem - as it always has been and probably always will be - is the Republican Party. With few exceptions, it does not like Trump and never will like Trump both personally and politically. More than the snobbery of elitism, those in the GOP-e have no problem playing the role of public doormat of the Democrats because they are part of the club. They get to be the remora that feed off the scraps not consumed by the shark. While Democrats have spent over 100 years destroying America for ideological reasons and a lust for power, the Republicans have been quite happy to be there to make a buck off the destruction, as well as keep the seat warm and never fuck with the controls should a Democrat now and again lose an election.
Not so with Trump. He, like we, saw what was going on and we put him in the Oval Office to stop it and reverse it. As bad as things were during the 8-year Reign of Error that was the Obama regime, the most dangerous time was the first two years when the Democrats controlled both the Executive and Legislative Branches, as well as for the most part the Judiciary ("it's a tax!"). I think what prevented us from national death right there was a mix of both incompetence and hubris. I distinctly recall a pundit (maybe James Carville?) crowing on election night 2008 that for all intents and purposes, conservatism was dead, that the GOP had become effectively a regional (i.e. southern) party and that Democrats would go from victory to victory for the next 40 years. "We Are All Socialists Now" the erstwhile Newsweek proclaimed on its nauseating cover, not soon afterwards.
At that time, Obama and his minions were still operating within the rigged game/illusion of "normal" political order and kept the Marxism on the down-low, or at least tried to. They really believed they had all the time in the world and that the fate of this nation to sink beneath the waves was sealed. So, instead of going for the national kill shot - amnesty and instant citizenship and Democrat Party registration for from 11 to perhaps as many as 35 million illegal aliens - they decided to go for Obamacare instead. Two entire years to get an instant insurmountable voting majority and they blew it. Recall that in the waning years of the Dubya debacle, he wanted to do amnesty and it took a herculean effort just to stop him, a Republican.
I bring this up because with scum like Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, John Cornyn and other get-along-go-along "build-the-dang-wall!" fakers, phonies, whores and gonifffs, who needs a GOP majority in the Senate anyway. I mean, if Ruth Bader-Meinhoff kicks the bucket or the rumors of Samuel Alito retiring are true, do you think that any Trump nominee, let alone a real originalist/strict constructionist is going to have a shot? In this environment? Even if Trump wins and holds the Senate?
Holy shit; they desecrated the church across the street from the White House itself, and now flaming assholes like Ron Johnson and James Lankford are leapfrogging ahead of the Marxist Democrats to get rid of the Columbus Day holiday and substitute Juneteenth instead. This after Tucker Carlson reamed Mike Braun for bending over on police reform Yes we debated this yesterday and Braun is a clod on this particular issue. But the salient point is why in the hell are Republicans accepting the Democrat narrative that they, the Dems, are the good guys and champions of truth, justice and the American way when it's as plain as day that they are the literal dictionary definition of the domestic part of "enemies foreign and domestic?"
I can deal with Antifa, BLM and the garbage coming from the Democrat-Media Complex. I can even attempt to deal with the poison coming out of corporate America and the classrooms. But what I cannot and will not accept is not having a political party that does not have our backs. Not when we are at the point of having our backs to the wall, figuratively for now and more than likely literally in the not too distant future. She may be a mind-numbed brainwashed Swedish meatball teenybopper but Greta "Scoldilocks" Thunberg was not lying when she said that.
Oh fuck it. For all intents and purposes the GOP is dead. Unfortunately, given that they are still in control of the Senate, they are un-dead and are acting more Democrat than Democrats with some of this garbage. Now we have traitors not just in the phony Conservative George-Lincoln-Rockwell-Project but a gaggle of ex-Bushies forming a PAC to elect Joe Biden. If GOD FORBID Trump loses, my wrath will not be aimed at the Left.
- "Seattle has been liberated."
White House Celebrates the Fall of CHAZ
- "In Seattle's 'autonomous zone,' lives are destroyed under the banner of social justice."
The End of CHAZ
- "It's ironic that Mayor Durkan is accusing Sawant of undermining the safety of others. The rioting caused far more risk than Durkan experienced."
Seattle Mayor Who Enabled Violent CHOP Calls For Investigation of Councilwoman Who Made Her Feel Unsafe
- "Officers are investigating several vehicles circling the area of today's operation. Police have observed individuals in the vehicles with firearms/armor. The vehicles also appear to be operating without visible license plates."
Antifa Rioters Threaten a "Rude Awakening" for the "Pigs" Who Finally Broke Up CHOP Antifastan
- "They should have stopped this a long time ago."
Father Whose 19-Year-Son Was Killed in Seattle's "CHOP" Gives Emotional Interview
- Designate BLM a terror group.
President Trump: Planned BLM Mural in NYC "A Symbol of Hate" That Would "Denigrate" Fifth Avenue
- "The driver sustained a non-life-threatening gunshot wound. Taggart reportedly then fired another shot at the rear of the vehicle as it sped away from the scene."
BLM "Protester" Will Be Charged With Attempted Murder After Shooting At Driver During Utah Protest
- But, but, but, Hawaiian shirt boogaloos!
"I Want to Hang Him From a Fucking Tree, Like He Do Us," Protester Yells at New York Cops
- "The clip was posted with a notice saying 'for legal reasons, this is a joke.' But many people are not laughing."
Harvard Graduate Threatens to "Stab" Anyone Who Says "All Lives Matter"
- "This policy emerges from compelling research suggesting that the widespread publication of police booking photos in the news and on social media creates an illusory correlation for viewers that fosters racial bias and vastly overstates the propensity of black and brown men to engage in criminal behavior."
Mug Shots Foster Racial Bias and Will No Longer Be Released, San Francisco Police Chief Says
- "Preliminary reports from law enforcement at the scene suggest the demonstrator intentionally stepped in front of the moving vehicle."
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds' Car Hits BLM Protester Who "Intentionally" Blocked It
- "For her and a few others, a minority to suggest that the police performed in an outrageous manner... they can clearly see that they were dealing with a group of violent criminals, not protesters."
Detroit Police Chief Rips Rancida Taliban: "We're Talking About Violent Protesters"
- "It's clear the real looters in New York are billionaires -- and it's time to make them pay their fair share so we can all thrive."
Pitchfork-Wielding Protesters Descend on Wealthy Hamptons Estates
- Brent Bozell: "My guess is that 99% of those supporting this group [BLM] have no idea what it stands for... you give ignorant pawns a bad rap."
The Real Story of Black Lives Matter -- Marxist, Anti-Family Radicals
- "Where black racism and Marxism are dressed up as 'social justice.'"
Exposing the Lies of Black Lives Matter
- "It's going to be dangerous."
NYPD Detectives' Association President Speaks Out Against $1 Billion Budget Cut
- "Garcetti is also feuding with the local police union, which took offense last month when the mayor referred to police (in general) as 'killers.'"
Eric Garcetti Asks Demoralized LAPD to "Remember Why They Became Police Officers"
- And so it begins -- for real.
Amazing: Florida Sheriff Threatens to Deputize All Local Gun Owners to Put Down Riots
- Making the Great Society Grate Again.
Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago: 75% Increase in Shootings in June
- Heather Mac Donald: "The unwinding of law and order in our cities has happened with stunning speed."
- "The protesters may think they're hurting the men and women in blue, but if the demonized officers are driven out of the NYPD, they will find ample work as private security guards for rich people or in middle-class neighborhoods where residents pool their money for protection in an increasingly scary city."
No Lives Matter to NYC's Lawless Leftists
- "The plea-deal was driven, in part, by concerns about [Chinese] COVID-19."
Joseph DeAngelo Pleads Guilty to Kidnapping, Murder Charges in Golden State Killer Cases
- "We're open. We know who we need to protect. Most of the folks in those younger demographics, although we want them to be mindful of what's going on, are just simply much, much less at risk than the folks who are in those older age groups."
Gov. Ron DeSantis: Florida "Not Going Back" on Reopening Despite Rise in Chinese Coronavirus Cases
- "[W]e find no evidence that net [Chinese] COVID-19 case growth differentially rose following the onset of Black Lives Matter protests, and even modest evidence of a small longer-run case growth decline."
Study Finds "No Evidence" That Protests Caused Chinese COVID-19 Resurgence
- "Evidence continues to mount that the new infections throughout much of the country are extremely mild, with the exception of some serious cases coming over the border from Mexico."
More Evidence That Most Chinese Coronavirus Cases Are Weaker Than Flu
- "Just as we emerge from a grueling three months of pandemic lockdowns, officials seem ready to shut things down again."
When Did "Flatten the Curve" Become "We Reserve the Right to Panic?"
- "Tragic vs. statistical deaths."
Joseph Stalin Explains Chinese Covid-19, Black Lives Matter
- "The greater the disruption of everyday life, the more that businesses are forced to close, and the faster the economy sinks into desuetude, the better the chances that Joe Biden will defeat Donald Trump at the polls."
The Real Reason Behind Allowing the Protests During Chinese COVID-19
- "State governments have enacted heavy-handed restrictions to slow the spread of the virus, but in many cases have contributed to increased social isolation and blocked people from services and escapes that have buoyed mental and emotional health."
Report Claims Suspected Overdoses Are Skyrocketing as Lockdowns Continue
- "Three months of lockdown followed by 'WEAR THE DAMN MASK' without compassion or exception has broken my 'polite' operating system."
No Mask, No Toilet: 10-Year-Old Denied Bathroom Access for Not Having a Mask
- "The American Academy of Pediatrics says the academic, mental and physical benefits of in-person school outweigh the coronavirus risks. That is: Continued remote learning will harm children."
The United Federation of Teachers Doesn't Care About Science -- Or Kids
- "The revelations that the secret service has no record of a Biden visiting Ukraine prior to his appointment with Burisma comes as the company is facing a congressional investigation in Washington, D.C., and perhaps more pressing trouble at home."
Secret Service Records Show Hunter Biden Did Not Travel to Ukraine Before Burisma Appointment
- "Rather than accept responsibility for his failure, Obama publicly faulted his Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, for underestimating ISIS."
Flashback: Obama Repeatedly Ignored Intelligence Briefings on the Rise of ISIS
- "Hickenlooper has been already convicted of violating state ethics by accepting gifts from donors while in office." (but this is a crime against humanity... to be swept under the rug because, Democrat - jjs)
Democrat Senate Candidate Dressed in "Redface" at Sporting Event in 2015
- "Black Lives Matter has long been affiliated with the anti-Israel cause. Earlier this week, Black Lives Matter UK posted an anti-Israel message on Twitter that suggested the anti-Semitic idea that Jews control the media."
"Palestinians for Black Power": Anti-Israel Protest Targets "Annexation" in LA
- "This is going to be a socialist revolution. They'll rewrite the histories afterward so that those of us who remember things a little differently will be called racists. We won't be published; we won't be heard."
Democrats Want a Second American Revolution -- a Socialist One
- "When they were in the minority, Senate Democrats wanted to keep the filibuster. But now if Joe Biden wins the presidency, they'll blow it up to unleash the radical left."
Senate Democrats Now Say They'll End the Filibuster If Joe Biden Wins
- "The group formed a super PAC Wednesday, called "43 Alumni For Biden," which includes former cabinet secretaries and executive branch officials." (filthy traitors - jjs)
Hundreds of Bush Administration Officials Declare Support For Joe Biden
- "The ad appears to be a tribute to an America not just under siege but actively being dismantled by roving bands of rioters set on damning the entire American project as an exercise in oppression."
New GOP Ad Issues Powerful Warning About Democrats Threatening American Culture
- "First general election ad defends monuments, police."
McConnell's First Ad of General Focuses on Combating Mob, Defending Police
- "The total of $266 million for the second quarter crushed its first-quarter fundraising efforts by $111 million, a 71 percent increase."
Trump Campaign, RNC Raise Record $266 Million in Second Quarter
- "The Democrat Party has gone off the deep end and taken Joe Biden with it."
Joe Biden Owns the Democratic Party's Insanity
- "It is getting late early.
Trump Needs to Run a 1972 Nixon-Style Campaign
- "'The Lincoln Project has nothing to do with principle, and everything to do with lining the pockets of failed consultants by attacking conservatives,' Club for Growth said in a press release."
Club for Growth Takes on #Never-Trump Lincoln Project "Grifters" in Powerful New Video, Website
- "According to a new Harris-HillX poll, 68% of registered voters are concerned about vote tampering and privacy with mail-in voting. However, their unfounded fears about [Chinese] COVID-19 may cause them to take the option."
Voters Are Concerned About Mail-In Voting Yet Chinese COVID-19 Panic Porn Causes Concern About Voting In-Person
- "57 women, 49 minorities, and 65 veterans have now advanced from their primaries and will be the Republican nominee in November, according to the NRCC. This comes as only 67% of primaries have been decided so far."
Here's How the 2020 Primaries Have Played Out for Republicans
- "Owens' victory means he will now face off against freshman swing district Democrat McAdams in the general election."
"Anti-Colin Kaepernick" Burgess Owens Wins Utah Fourth District GOP Primary
- Keisha Lance Bottoms sounds more like a proctologic procedure than a name, but YMMV.
If Keisha Lance Bottoms Can't Run Atlanta, Why Does Joe Biden Think She Can Run the Country?
- "Actions speak louder than words."
Prager U Video: The Left Couldn't Care Less About Black People
- Promises, promises.
Schiff-for-Brains: "We May All Be Moving to Canada Soon"
- No-shit-Sherlock confirmed bigly: "The results are pronounced. The paper finds that fence construction in a given municipality reduces average migration by 27%. In addition, fence construction in an adjacent municipality has a spillover effect, reducing migration by an additional 15%."
Study: Border Barriers Work
- "The same Trump-appointed judge who gave Jim Acosta a right to demand access to the White House in 2018 has now given 7.8 billion people the potential 'right' to sue for entry into the country as for asylum, even when they purposefully pass over numerous other countries first."
"Good Judges?" Think Again - Trump Appointee Blocks Key Trump Immigration Policy
- "What the president was noting is that simply when you look at some of the things that have been chanted by a black lives matter like 'pigs in a blanket fry 'em like bacon,' that is not an acceptable phrase to paint on our streets."
Kayleigh McEnany Tangles With ABC Propagandist Jon Karl About Trump Calling BLM Mural a "Symbol of Hate"
- "An important consequence of the three-plus years the Deep State attacked President Donald Trump and his conservative base has been a complete loss of credibility for the legacy media."
Collapse Of Trust In Legacy Media Will Lead To Its Inevitable Demise
- "What the leftist establishment denies -- from the corporate boardrooms to mainstream media -- is that truth cannot be permanently suppressed."
Big Tech's Escalating War on Free Speech
- "A Christian wedding photographer and blogger in Virginia filed suit against Attorney General Mark Herring (D), seeking to prevent the enforcement of a new non-discrimination law that its Democrat supporters admitted was intended to be "punitive" against those who decline to celebrate same-sex weddings."
Lawsuit: "I Won't Let the State Force Me to Express Messages That Contradict My Beliefs"
- Anecdotal indicator of a Trump landslide or fear of a Trump loss? Discuss.
FBI: June 2020 Shattered Firearm Background Check Record
- "Florida retailer: 'Everything was literally sold out.'"
Record-Setting Gun Sales Could Leave Stores Dry
- "Just as the 'rooftop Koreans' protected their own property during the '92 race riots, Americans must now defend themselves from the anarchy."
Gun-Wielding Couple Realized the Only One Who Will Protect You Is You
- "Onerous gun regs take effect after judge denies 11th-hour stay."
Virginia Implements Monthly Limits on Handguns
- "Neither G-d nor the Constitution created a 'right' to kill an unborn child. A group of unjust justices did. John Roberts is now standing on their shoulders and blaming it on stare decisis."
Clarence Thomas vs. John Roberts and Good vs. Evil
- "Roberts' infidelity to the Constitution took him straight to bed with a seductive abortion lobby that whispered sweet nothings into his ear about women's rights. He listened, and now vulnerable women will pay the price."
John Roberts' Leftist Activism Was a Big "Screw You" to Women
- "Many of Hong Kong's pro-autonomy and pro-democracy demonstrations, which have occurred in the city for over a year, would be considered illegal under the new law."
Hong Kong Police Arrest More Than 300 Less Than a Day After Enacting Security Law
- "India is one of the largest world markets for the TikTok video platform. Most Indian users appear supportive of their government's action, posting farewell messages over the weekend and telling fans how to find them on other messaging services."
China: India's TikTok Ban "Dealt a Severe Blow to the Confidence of Chinese Investors"
- "Those 'crimes' include thinking that Hong Kong is an autonomous, free territory not under the thumb of the tyrannical Communist regime in Beijing. Right on cue, the United Nations Human Rights Rights Council (UNHRC) voted overwhelmingly to approve the Chinese crackdown."
China Looking to Redefine Human Rights in Its Own Image
- "Pompeo says arms ban cannot be lifted on Iran as long as it poses global threat."
Trump Admin Vows to Secure Permanent UN Arms Embargo on Iran
- "The region's future hinges on what happens in November."
What Will a Trump Re-Election Mean For the Middle East?
- "These bipartisan sanctions will help stop Putin's pipeline project, which, if completed, would reward Russian expansionism and economic blackmail, hold our European allies' energy security hostage to Russia undermine U.S. national security."
New Sanctions Targeting Russia-Germany Gas Pipeline Included in Defense Policy Bill
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Los Angeles Democrat seeks 'new path of support and collaboration' with Communist Cuban regime."
Castro Fan Karen Bass Vetted for Biden VP
- Crimea river...
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Blames GOP for Russian Annexation of Crimea During Obama Admin
- "On the 70-year anniversary of the Korean War, neither the United States nor South Korea has identified a viable solution for the constant threat North Korea poses to the rest of the world."
70 Years After the Korean War, Peace Is Still Unattainable in the Korean Peninsula
- Daniel Greenfield: "To Judge Wolford, the terrorist isn't a threat to Americans, but Americans are a threat to him."
Obama Judge Frees "Palestinian" Al Qaeda Backer Who Recruited Dirty Bomb Terrorist
- "Joe Biden has signed on to a plan that will take local control away from community planning using federal funding as leverage."
Hey Suburban Voters, Joe Biden's Housing Policies Will Ruin Your Communities
- "As the United States and China undergo a financial divorce, one firm's tribulations show why separation is necessary."
Luckin Coffee's Timely Implosion
- "Global corporations make token payments to anti-racism activists in the United States while funding the Chinese Communist Party's racist dictatorship and sowing the destitution that causes unrest at home."
It's Not Left vs. Right, It's Big vs. Small
- You will be made to care -- Literally.
University Memo Suggests Fighting "Systemic Racism" Necessary If Applying For Enrollment and Employment
- "[Prof. Stephen] Hsu conducted research years ago in which he discovered that the narrative of police routinely hunting and killing black men was unfounded. He performed another study highlighting the differences in race."
Outrage Mob Comes for MSU Prof Whose Research Disproved the "Racist Police" Narrative
- "Harvard University announced it has repealed its policy of discriminating against certain all-female and all-male social groups, notably Greek houses."
Harvard University Ends Policy of Discriminating Against All-Male And All-Female Groups
- "This court decision may certainly be seen as an invitation to state governments to freely expand taxpayer support to schools that teach religions besides secularism."
Supreme Court Paves Way For Americans to Drop Anti-American, Anti-Christian Schooling
- "The president of the university had the audacity to suggest that her videos didn't reflect Christ's message of love or something."
Despicable: University Student at Texas Christian College Expelled for Criticizing Black Lives Matter Movement on Tiktok
- "The protests at Evergreen State College were a Cassandra-esque prophecy we naively ignored, believing these things wouldn't happen outside the insulated and hyper-leftist bubble of academia."
3 Years Ago, Bret Weinstein Endured the Precursor to Today's Riots
- "The knowledge that one is merely a bystander to History -- or worse, born guilty and existing as an impediment to the progress of History -- is soul-crushing."
What the Zeitgeist Has Wrought
- "Not only is this bill partisan and divisive, but it would dramatically and needlessly accelerate the financial ruin of this country."
House Passes $1.5 TRILLION Climate Infrastructure Bill Packed With Green New Deal Wish-List Items
- Our intrepid science reporter says it's "time for two cool Martian images from the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)."
Two Wedding Cakes on Mars (Adam and Steve & Mars and Lars? - jjs)
- "You don't have to be certain you're transgender to go on hormones. In fact, Kaylee adds, going on hormones is 'probably the best way to actually tell if you're trans anyways.'"
Testosterone: The Miracle Drug That Could Solve All Your Problems
- Ron Johnson, James Lankford - Go To Hell
Republican Senators Introduce Legislation To Cancel Columbus Day
- Abolish, demolish and extinguish this filthy rag once and for all.
NY Times Targets Mount Rushmore: Indigenous Land, KKK Ties, Slave Owner Presidents
- "Columbus, OH, removed a statue of its namesake explorer Christopher Columbus outside City Hall Wednesday as the city succumbs to the woke mobs.Columbus Removes Christopher Columbus Statue Outside City Hall Named After Columbus
- "It was just time." (to knuckle under - jjs)
Mississippi Removes Confederate Battle Emblem From State Flag
- "Statues of the man who wrote 'The Star-Spangled Banner,' a notable person from the Catholic church, and a Holocaust memorial have also been destroyed in recent days."
Statues Of Christopher Columbus, Stonewall Jackson Taken Down; Abraham Lincoln Statue to Be Removed in Boston
- Considering you're named after Robert E. Lee, maybe you need to come the fuck down, momzer.
Spike Lee: "Them M-fucking Confederate Statues Need to Come the Fuck Down"; "Fuck That Flag"
- "The recent spread of iconoclasm was never just about Confederate monuments or even statues. It's a dangerous expression of the radical left's nihilism."
Why We Should Keep Confederate Statues Standing
- "Go fuck yourselves with your smear campaign." ("smear," as in blackface? - jjs)
Cookie Milano Defends Herself After Being Accused of Participating In Blackface
- "Even though college sports programs are rife with fraud, scandals, and other tawdry behavior, too many Southern conservatives will bend the knee for their favorite team."
The South Picks College Football Over Its Heritage
- "The hit musical, now a movie, celebrates the American Founding so unabashedly that it seems ripe for cancellation."
Is Hamilton Next?
- Christian Toto: "Protesters already erased statues, American history from society for our own good."
Shouldn't Hamilton Get Canceled Next?
- It's not as brave as you might think.
Rachel Hill Issues Statement on Why She Didn't Kneel with Teammates During Anthem
- "History, humility, and hubris."
The Theodore Roosevelt Statue: An American Post-Mortem
- "The great battle between the Forces of Chaos and... Kellogg's cereal."
Coco Pops: Where Western Civilization Makes Its Stand
- Larry Elder: "Why is there no respectful disagreement in the black community?"
Uncle Tom, the Movie
- "America is going through tough times right now, but we've been through tough times before and thrived. We can do so again." (this presupposes a united populace, not a state of near open civil war - jjs)
American Resilience: Our Nation Was Made to Survive Tough Times Like These
- "I waited 12 years to finally become a U.S. citizen. Don't listen to her external or internal foes. America is still the greatest country in the world."
Why I Just Became an American Citizen, and Still Have Hope for the Future
- "In this summer of tumult, it's more crucial than ever to remember and honor what soldiers fought for in the Civil War's pivotal battle."
Gettysburg: Profiles in Courage
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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