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June 23, 2020
Another Shooting Victim Found on the Border of the Independent Utopia of CHOP
Weird that I don't see our bourgeois internet fake libertarians moving there in droves.
Shouldn't Radley Balko already be getting his mail delivered there?
Why isn't Reason already asking about renting office space there?
After three shooting incidents (including one murder) plus one known sexual assault, Mayor Jenny -- who earlier called CHAZ/CHOP a "block party" and the kickoff of a new "Summer of Love" -- announced that she would finally act to shut the fledgling libertarian paradise down.
But CNN and MSNBC, which have worked hard to portray the Zone as a peaceful progressive utopia, refused to report that.
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan announced Monday that officials would end the police-free zone known as the "Capitol Hill Organized Protest," or "CHOP," after two recent shootings, one of which was deadly -- but CNN and MSNBC didn't feel it was particularly newsworthy.
News broke during the 7 p.m. ET hour on Monday that Seattle's mayor said the violence was distracting from changes sought by thousands of protesters seeking to address racial inequity and police brutality -- but CNN's 7 p.m. program, "Erin Burnett Outfront" did not mention the news as it unfolded.
CNN continued to ignore the news during its primetime programming, as there was no coverage on back-to-back editions of "Anderson Cooper 360" from 8-10 p.m. ET or during Don Lemon's "CNN Tonight," which aired from 10-midnight ET.
"Most mainstream media outlets have bent over backwards to portray the civil unrest as peaceful actions supporting the general aims of justice. That narrative gets largely disrupted if those news organizations now focus on the chaos in places like Seattle," DePauw University professor and media critic Jeffrey McCall told Fox News.
Mayor Jenny is now shifting blame to the city council -- claiming that the council's ban on the use of rubber bullets and tear gas left police without any nonlethal response to disorder.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:34 PM
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