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Monday Overnight Open Thread (6/22/20) »
June 22, 2020
Racist Extremist Sean King -- Who Is In Fact White, But Pretends to Be Black for Race Hustling/Race Agitation Purposes -- Calls for All Stained Glass Depictions and Statues of "White Jesus" To Be Torn Down
Hey Phil Klein --
you might have to "articulate a distinction" with greatly increased clarity and volume. Your previous articulation of a distinction seems to not have done the trick.
Rich Lowry, you might have to grovel and supplicate even more degradingly. You might have to make even more urgent pleas for left-liberalism to ensure that Poltico continues paying you for your column.
Sean King -- literally, a white man attempting to stoke a race war against blacks and whites -- delivers his call to religious/race war below:
Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down.
They are a form of white supremacy.
Always have been.
In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went?
Not Denmark.
Tear them down.
All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down.
They are a gross form white supremacy.
Created as tools of oppression.
Racist propaganda.
They should all come down.
Tweets here.
Unrelated: What a coincidence, Bill "Ahoy, Sailors!" Kristol and lifelong leftwing operator Robert Reich are teaming up to deliver the exact same messaging:
From Twitter:
You look at the polls and think "he can't win." But Trump's path to victory doesn't depend on persuading Americans. It depends on voter suppression, mass disinformation, foreign interference, and unabashed use of executive branch power to shape events, and perceptions, this fall.
If you think Trump is on the ropes and will surely lose in November, think again. He will do anything to be reelected. Our side has limits because we believe in democracy. Trump has no limits because he doesn't.