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June 14, 2020
Food Thread: Just Shut Up And Cook
Has anyone figured out how to grow these for personal use? I know there have been claims that they can be cultivated, but they are really pricey, which tells me that whatever techniques professional mycologists have devised are either labor intensive or not very successful...or both.
When I was young and stupid and thought that access to great food was trivial, I lived a few blocks from a small wine store on College Ave. in Oakland that carried fresh morels. And great baguettes. So whenever I felt like it I could wander over, grab a bag and a loaf, and make an omelet with sautéed morels.
Now I know better, and pine for the days of easy mushrooms and crusty baguettes that call out..."eat me!"
And why am I thinking of morels? Because I watched a 30 minute show made by John Favreau about cooking. His first episode was with Wolfgang Puck at his Las Vegas restaurant, and they cooked and ate lots and lots of very expensive beef. But as an aside, Favreau made a morel omelet. And I drooled.
But of course he had to fvck it up by tossing in a stupid political reference, and the trained seals around him (Wolfgang Puck included) had to bark their approval. Really...who gives a shit that President Trump likes his steak well done? That smug tone of superiority was maddening. Favreau is good at what he does, but he will never be great because of his inability to see his entire audience, not just his fellow travelers.
And Wolfgang Puck uses way too much salt. Sorry, but I like salt, and even I was a bit surprised.
I thought Misanthropic Humanitarian was trolling me again, but in fact there are some nice recipes in this list.
65 Make-Ahead Weeknight Dinner Recipes
Sometimes I just run out of ideas, and these lists can sometimes be useful. I will be making the hummus dinner bowls this week.
I have never eaten morels cooked this way, and while I am suspicious of anyone who doesn't just saute them in butter, this does sound like loads of fun.
Is Fried Morel Mushrooms really a Midwestern dish? If so, I might have another reason not to live here...
Do not click on this link.
Do not click on this link!
We know what you're thinking: "OK, OK, but they can't possibly taste good!"
And yet you did. I warned you.
You ignored the warning.
And now you are going to complain.
[Hat Tip: Bitter Clinger...so complain to him]
This looks like fun. Anyone ever try anything like it? It's really just a frittata in dough, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with wrapping food in dough.
Pizza Rustica | Rustic Italian Pizza
Just wade through the bullshit in the introduction. Wow...people can ramble on about their personal food politics. Even obliquely as in this recipe. Blah, blah, blah. I don't care! Just write good recipes and shove your politics.
Food and cooking tips, Large-breasted Muscovy ducks, young wild pigs, bartenders who use vermouth in Martinis (but not too much), pork belly that doesn't have 5-spice, low-temperature-roast chicken, and good tomatoes that aren't square, pale pink and covered with Mestizo E.coli:
cbd dot aoshq at gmail dot com. Any advocacy of French Toast with syrup will result in disciplinary action up to and including being
nuked from orbit. And yes, shaking a Manhattan is blasphemy...it's in the Bible!