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June 11, 2020
Letters from #Wokeanda
"Wokanda" courtesy of the YouTuber Just Some Guy.
I put the "e" back into it so you'd get the "Woke" thing. But now that I've established that, I might just drop it.
Great vids below.
First, a woman is absolutely distraught to have seen a Trump fundraising letter which spoke of "patriots" joining "the Trump army."
She insists this is real, this is a real army that is being formed. She also insists that the letter's suggestion that you wear a red MAGA hat is just like the Nazis forcing Jews to wear yellow stars.
One special point: She begins by saying "mine is not the voice you need to hear right now..." She says this because she's white, and it is now accepted practice among the Radical White Progressives of #Wokanda that they must always apologize for speaking, for "grabbing the mike," for prioritizing or "centering" their voices above the voices of the allegedly "marginalized."
This is particularly true in These Trying Times.
So, yes, it's now a required cultural gesture to apologize for being white whenever you speak.
Kneel or die, serfs.
The second clip is audio, supposedly of Seattle cops talking about an emergency call from within the "CHAZ," the Cap Hill Autonomous Zone.
Their response is along the lines of "Yeah, nah."