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June 09, 2020
Only Black Lives Matter: Kentucky Democrat Governor Bashear Promises Medical Coverage For All... Well, All Black Residents
Who's the "Privilged" race, again.
This is fine.
I mean, we're just now reaching the actual, offically-mandated Jim Crow laws that I've been warning about, but this is fine.
Wow, what a hysteric I was for viewing trends back in 2015 -- trends that included increasing outright racism from the left, and a convoluted system of double think explaining that racism against the left's enemies wasn't racism at all, but rather virtuous love of humanity -- and accurately predicting them into the future, without shying away from the likely outcome and without just saying "That can't be because I just don't want it to be" or just ignoring #WokeMaoistMilitancy because I didn't want to mess up my chances of one day writing for a real magazine, like The Atlantic.
He seems to mean that he'll move heaven and earth to make sure every black resident is signed up for Obamacare or Medicaid or whatever free health care there is.
There will not be any such Manhattan Project for Medicaid for nonblack Kentucky residents, though.
White and nonblack residents can just... well, suck a dick, Hillbillies.
Only Black Lives Matter. Take a knee.