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Trump to Governors: Do Your Jobs. Stop Letting Trust-Fund Terrrorists Push You Around Like Pussies. »
June 01, 2020
Alleged Antifascists Who Media Claims Are Like the Soldier Heroes of WW2 Descecrate the Monuments of the Soldier Heroes of WW2 They Allegedly Resemble
That rhetorical question from @undercoverhuber.
A lot of the media, and Democrats (but I repeat myself), declared antifa to be the equivalent of the liberators of Europe in 1944/45.
Chris Cuomo notoriously defended them, saying that antifa's allegedly antifascist punches just weren't the same as illegal punches.
This Democrat politician just declared it so two days ago.
So explain to me why the alleged direct descendants of the boys who stormed Normandy beach are vandalizing and desecrating the monuments of their spiritual ancestors?
And here are the people who spring to work cleaning up after spoiled-rotten trust fund bitches:
I'd personally leave the vandalism up for months. To let everyone know of antifa's work, and make everyone think of the people who have praised them.