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May 18, 2020
"Mask Police Reporter," Kaitlin Collins Rips Off Mask Immediately After She Thinks Cameras Are Off, Rushes to Speak Maskless to Other Reporters
Another black eye for the Karenwaffe.
This wouldn't be a story except Karen Collins here is one of the Firefighters bravely mask-shaming her targets. Governor/Murderer Andrew Cuomo gets no mask-shaming for not wearing a mask at press conferences, but of course Trump does.
Karen Collins wears a mask at press conferences.
Until the moment the camera is off her. Then it comes off faster than a t-shirt at Mardi Gras.
Oh -- and then she whines that Trump noticed.
Liar. It's clear you were pulling the mask off for good, not just for the six seconds the camera caught you without it.
And if mask-shaming is such a petty issue: Why won't you stop your own mask-shaming, Karen?