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May 18, 2020
The Morning Rant
A few days ago, I was ranting about how the Democrats were throwing Tara Reade under the bus to protect their candidate Gropin' Joe. Yes, they're really doing this. I don't think there's going to be a last-minute surprise replacement. Gropin' Joe is the hill they've chosen to die on.
PDT must be laughing his ass off.
Anyway, the example I used was a tweet from ambulance-chasing attorney Lisa Bloom, real big on women's rights don't you know, who publicly told Reade, hey, sorry, toots, I'm down with Sniffy. Because #OrangeManBad. You're expendable. I mentioned that Bloom was a sleazebag lawyer more interested in herself than anything else, and how she was fired by another one of Trump's accusers for this reason. I didn't remember who it was, but I stumbled upon the identifying tweet in my bookmark, and as you can see below, it's Kathy Griffin(!) This was back in September of last year when she was facing legal investigation for that photo of her holding up what was supposed to be Donald Trump's severed head. You can click on the little blue bird ans read the tweet thread, but basically she complained that Bloom soaked her for $40,000 for "representation and advocacy" -- and not much else, apparently. Reeling from the downturn in her career, she reaches out for help only to have Bloom turn her plight into a 3-ring circus. From her perspective, it's adding insult to injury. Sort of like this:
"Boo hoo, Donald Trump was mean to me."
"Oh you poor thing, why don't we talk about it?"
"OK, can you help me?"
"I sure can, give me $40,000."
"Well, OK, here you go, now what?"
"I'm going to pee all over you, how about that?"
"I don't like it at all! Give me my money back."
Bloom gives ambulance-chasing attorneys a bad name. What a sleazebag. I'm very happy that she is not on our side.
Actual Public Health Officials, Not The Babylon Bee:
Also Not The Babylon Bee: Stacey Abrams, Superhero, Supermodel
Meanwhile, in Australia:
Who Dis:
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For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
Friday's celebs: When I first started watching Farscape a couple of weeks ago, I didn't immediately recognize any of the actors, especially the blue-skinned priestess Zhaan, whom I was absolutely sure I had never seen before. Until I looked her up on imdb, and, holy crap, it turns out that Virginia Hey was also in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, playing a badass chick whom the script refers to as 'Warrior Woman'. As I recall, she ends up eating a volley of arrows fired at her during the final chase scene by the bad guys using some kind of compressed air thing. That role was Ms. Hey's screen debut. She also played some Russian mob guy's mistress in The Living Daylights, and I couldn't find any really good photos of that. Also in that film was the tiny-footed terrorist from Die Hard, Andreas Wisniewski, who so enraged John McClane that he broke his neck and took his machine gun.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Steak Enchiladas:
Steak Enchilada recipe here.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:14 AM
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