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Food Thread: Pulled Pork The New-Fashioned Way �
May 10, 2020
First-World Problems...Part שבע
The faint clunk of the one-way valve on one of my sump pumps is maddening! There are two pumps in the basement, and one is silent when I test it. But the main pump thumps (loudly when next to it) when the valve closes at the end of a pump cycle. I have some theories, but the one that makes the most sense (or is the least stupid) is that the PVC running to the quite pump is at an angle, and the velocity of the water hitting the valve is lower than the other pump, which has a vertical PVC pipe.
Oh...why two pumps? Well, the main one runs off of house current, and the second one, which is set to turn on at a slightly higher water level, runs on two marine deep-discharge batteries fed through an inverter for 110V power. The typical auxiliary pumps are 12V pumps designed for short-term use, but I get a lot of water in my basement, and if we lose power for any length of time those cheap pumps won't be able to handle it.
What's that? Yup...both pumps are American made, because the previous two failed. And for extra credit, guess where those were made...
Commenter "Kathy" sends this list along in the hopes that we can all start paying more attention to "
Made In America" at the same time we pay less attention and money to "
Made In China."
All American Clothing Co
Alliance for American Manufacturing
Made In America Store
The American List
Mast General Store
Still Made In USA
The Made in America Movement
USA Love List
USA Made Products
This link explains Walmart's "Made in the USA" Campaign, as well as its new identification system for their American-made products:
Cheap Simple Living: Guide to Walmart's "Made in the USA" Campaign
There's more!
posted by CBD at
02:15 PM
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