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Fuck It All Friday Open Thread �
May 08, 2020
1. Democrat Operative With History of Fake News Tweets Lie.
2. Trump Deranged Chubby Clown Jimmy Kimmel Blasts It Out.
3. Alleged "Journalists" Retweet It Without Any Fact-Checking.
Fake news.
I know I ask this a lot, but I ask again: Most Americans are in danger of being deplatformed by the tech monopolies for retweeting anything that the rotten leftwing cunts at Twitter, Google, and FaceBook decide isn't "factual" or "helpful."
But Andrea Mitchell and the rest of MSNBC and CNN tweet out fake news all fucking day long and they are never even required to delete their tweets.
And meanwhile, most of the corporate pseudoright says This Is Right and Good, Corporate Power Uber Alles, God Bless Us All.
The original fake newser isn't deleting his tweet:
Andrew Kaczynski pointed out that McDermott had a similar viral tweet about President Trump back in 2017. Back then he claimed Trump hadn’t spent Easter at church. It turned out that Trump had gone to services that same day but McDermott refused to delete his inaccurate tweet because “it wasn’t factually inaccurate when it was posted.” What he meant was, he didn’t know he was wrong at the time.
Bottom line, this guy is a hack’s hack and is not going to delete his Pence tweet even though it’s clearly wrong. Just since I started writing this it has racked up another 23,000 likes and 5,000 retweets.
Jimmy Kimmel isn't deleting his tweet -- he's doubling down by re-accusing Pence of a slightly different offense.
And Andrew Mitchell says she's proud to have retweeted this:
At some point, the great mass of Americans being made serfs by ruling class are going to become... let's say, quite unruly.
And won't that be fun.
I'm glad that the leftwing establishment, with the eager assistance of the pseudoright corporatists, has finally established a new aristocracy and Status-based system of rights and privileges in America.