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May 07, 2020
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition

[Courtesy of Mindful Webworker]
Sometimes we just have to point and laugh and poke at people with sharp sticks when they are this stupid. This is functionally identical to burning witches and wearing onions on one's belt and running inside when the contrails appear and homeopathy and astrology and on and on...
5G coronavirus conspiracy theory results in 77 mobile towers burned, report says
If I weren't concerned that just being near someone who is this profoundly dumb would decrease my intellectual ability, I would love to ask about the specific mechanism of how a very low power radio signal will cause or exacerbate a viral disease.
It's like the small-"m"morons who think that cell phones cause cancer or that living near a cell tower causes health problems. The energy required to cause mutations (breaking bonds in genetic material) is fairly well known by chemists. And it's just a bit more than the tiny amounts that we absorb from cell phones and other electronics. Sure, there are other mechanisms that cause mutations, but in the grand scheme of things, worrying about this sort of stuff is just bonkers.
But this insanity is just the (hopefully) far right side of the curve. There are all sorts of other nutty ideas that are floating around much nearer to the middle of the bell curve that describes the human condition. Like Sino-Lung-Rot is going to kill 3,000,000 people in America! That lunacy was actually taken seriously by a whole bunch of people who should have known better!
It makes me quite sympathetic to this guy, who has some frustrations about working from home.