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The Morning Report - 5/1/20 »
April 30, 2020
This Thread Fits You To An O-N-T
Looks like we got a little interservice rivalry going on...
Peak 2020: A Christian Pornstar
Brandi Love pens an eloquent defense of American Values .
Can you be a Christian and do porn? Well, God's salvation is available to anyone through Christ, so I have no issue with that. We are all sinners, and thus irrevocably separated from God absent Christ, and my sins are no better or worse than Brandi's. Usually it is assumed that by recognizing your sin you will try to avoid it in the future, but it is also a fact that you will always fail, no human being is capable of not sinning. Frankly, I'd rather have Brandi as a neighbor than the guy who wrote the article she's responding to. Even though he's right about the damage that online porn can do, I detest the Puritan scolding tone adopted by most anti-porn crusaders, particularly when it's coming from a holier-than-thou religious POV or a “conservative” social engineering perspective.
For those of you wondering about Brandi, I looked her up so you don't have to (the sacrifices I make for you Morons!). She's 48 and pretty hot, especially considering her age. She seems to specialize in milf and cougar porn, as might be expected.
Related: Professor fired after TikTok of porn bookmark goes viral. This is just wrong. He didn't share porn with his students or talk about porn, he was giving a Zoom class and someone noticed that he had a bookmark or tab for “busty coeds” on his computer. Now, I've been doing business virtually for a while now, and this is something I warn all of the new hires about (They can see your screen. Everything on it. Make sure there is nothing you wouldn't want seen), but it's hardly a reason to fire someone.
Lockdown Diary: Quick Hits
Coronavirus claims new victims: Places and pasts By the always excellent Salena Zito, who is, by the way, under attack from the Never Trumpers, probably because she so eloquently tells the stories of people in flyover country.
The Press Is a Threat to the Country Water is wet, film at 11.
Why Aren’t Americans Suing Their Way Out of Lockdown? I think this has started. I saw a headline today that the Michigan legislature had approved a bill to sue Michigan Führer Governor Whitmer over her totalitarian bootstomp of the rights of Michiganders.
Teacher reportedly wishes teens in park die ‘long, painful death’ from coronavirus Bonus! Rare footage of the Karen in her native habitat.
Our Dress Rehearsal for a Police State Dennis Prager nails it.
This last one is horrible. Me, I'd just bury my wife in the garden and plant flowers for a headstone, but that's not an option for city dwellers. Apparently DeBlasio is just leaving bodies to rot in their homes.
How To Meme
Someone put up an online AI meme generator, and the results range from bizarre to hilarious.
Try it for yourself
We All Need Someone To Lend A Hand At Times
Sound on.
The Problem With “Made In The USA”
If you imagine that a local business making surgical face masks is working 24/7, guess again
The problem is that if he gears up his factory to run 24/7, as soon as the crisis is over, all his orders go back to China and he's stuck with useless excess capacity, and he hasn't found any healthcare organizations willing to sign long term contracts.
Worth Reading
The article makes some great points, but it suffers from a tendency to bend over backwards too far in an attempt to be bipartisan.
The right starts out in a more natural, albeit compromised, place. The right is generally pro production, but is too often corrupted by forces that hold back market-based competition and the building of things. The right must fight hard against crony capitalism, regulatory capture, ossified oligopolies, risk-inducing offshoring, and investor-friendly buybacks in lieu of customer-friendly (and, over a longer period of time, even more investor-friendly) innovation.
These are NOT conservative policies. They may be Republican policies, but that's not the same thing. If a Republican is embracing left-wing political solutions, you can't call him “right wing” anymore, R or no R next to his name. Everything else that's stopping us from becoming a society of builders lives firmly on the left: Insane levels of regulation, interference in the free market and a consolidation of power in DC.
A Smart Military Blog
The Army is forcibly discharging this soldier for the second time because he did his job
* spit * Bureaucrats.
The Fascinating Story Of Ted Ambrose
Ted Ambrose was an 18 year old Brit who fell at the Somme. His family threw all his effects into a suitcase that sat unopened in the attic for 90 years. Dan Hill got to open that suitcase.
Your Turn, Crossbow Mafia
Legend....Wait For It.....Dary
I'm pretty sure this is a fake, I haven't been able to verify the headline, but I did find a similar story. Just one mom involved, however.
Tonight's ONT brought to you by smart people:
posted by WeirdDave at
09:54 PM
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