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April 30, 2020
Politico & Democrats (But I Repeat Myself): When We Said "Believe All Women," We Were, How You Say, Lying
This reminds me of the Democrats discovering that there was a credible rape allegation against Bill Clinton, and that they should have given Juanita Broaddrick a fair hearing, the very moment there was no more gas in the Bill/Hillary political vehicle.
Likewise, we've had to live with a slogan turned into an Iron Law -- "Believe All Women" -- for years, but only when the presumptive Democrat candidate stands credibly accused, do Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself again) admit that "Believe All Women" was really just a bumper sticker slogan that was meant to be taken seriously, but not literally.
The job description for Joe Biden’s running mate has suddenly become more complicated: The Democratic vice presidential nominee must now defend him against sexual assault accusations without looking hypocritical.
It's a particularly vexing problem for Biden’s potential picks, many of whom played lead roles in opposing the Senate Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh in 2018. Democrats vigorously applied a "believe all women" standard as they rallied to support his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, leaving a trail of unambiguous statements at sharp odds with the role they’ll need to play for Biden in a general election.
"'Believe the woman' didn't mean believe all women, all the time. But this is an era of slogans and we’re paying the price for that," said an adviser to one of the women under consideration, noting Reade's story changed over the time.
Poor you.
Brett Kavanaugh and his family paid a price for your "slogans" -- did you not notice that at the time?
"The #MeToo movement was an over-correction to decades of ignoring women and not believing them. And what we’re seeing now is a result of that over-correction," the adviser said. "It's not ideal. It's not what we want to be talking about."
You don't want to talk about it?
Gee, you sure seemed to want to talk about it a lot since Harvey Weinstein, and even more during Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation.
I never heard that this was an over-correction before. Nice timing!