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April 24, 2020
Updates: Tape of Tara Reade's Mother on Larry King Live Found;
Is the "Female-Centric" Star Wars Leak a Political Game to Get Twitter SJWs to Save a Show That's About to be Defunded?
Here is the audio of what is believed to be Tara Reade's mother calling Larry King to ask what to do about a "prominent senator" giving his daughter an unspecified problem.
On the Kathleen Kennedy/"Leslye" Headland Soy Wars Revenge of the Lesbians series:
Midnight's Edge speculates, but quite plausibly, that someone from Kathleen Kennedy's camp or Leslye Headland's camp leaked this to keep Bob Iger and Bob Chapik from canceling it.
He speculates that the idea was to get the Twitter Cat Ladies obsessed with the idea of another female-centric Star Wars project (which they won't pay money to see, but they like the idea of taking something from boys) so that Iger and Chapik would know that they have to keep on funding this trainwreck or feature blowback from Kathleen Kennedy's trained Cat Ladies.
It's plausible. It's even more plausible when you remember that Kathleen Kennedy's contract renewal was also revealed by an anonymous leak.
See, Disney did not want to announce that publicly. If they wanted to announce it, they would have announced it. They wanted to keep it quiet because the Star Wars IP was on fire with controversy, with most demanding Kathleen Kennedy's resignation, but the Twitter Addict Cat Ladies demanding she be given an award for destroying a boy's adventure franchise.
Disney had no interest in making this contract renewal public -- but Kathleen Kennedy sure did. She was tired of, for example, Grace Randolf reporting that Bob Iger wanted to fire her -- and only kept her on because no one wanted the job as head of Lucasfilm.
She didn't like people thinking of her as a dead woman walking, so she leaked the contract renewal -- which Disney had given to her on the condition she keep quiet about it -- to Variety.
That's the speculation -- and it's some damn convincing speculation.
And here we are with another leak involving the Kathleen Kennedy Grrrl Power camp winding up in Variety.
Meanwhile, Clownfish -- who've worked with Disney animation -- report rumors that "the two Bobs" (Iger and Chapik) are "furious" about this latest leak that seems to have been leaked to again boost Kathleen Kennedy's power.
They point out that Hollywood is about to exercise a lot of force majeure contract terminations. Coronavirus counts as an Act of God, and you don't have to honor a contract if external events make it impossible or impractical for you to do so.
Hollywood is going to use the force majeure clause to terminate every contract they regret having made (and a fair number of ones they still would rather keep).
I've heard someone report that it's going to be "a bloodbath."
That strange groaning you heard was my pulsating erection attempting to speak its first word.
Anyway, when you think about this deal with this shovel-faced feminist cow, and consider that Disney just floated six billion in new debt to get it through a few months, and will have to float even more billions in debt to stay afloat...
...and that they expect their theme parks and cruise ships to be shut down at least through early 2021...
...and are furloughing thousands of workers and looking for more ways to save money...
Well, one has to imagine that "Cut that stupid lesbian Star Wars show" has to eventually be an idea that strikes the two Bobs.
So maybe Kennedy or Headlands leaked story that this stupid show exists (if only as a notion), so that the SJWs will save it from a force majeure termination.
If that's what happened, I'd say whoever did this just gave Disney the last justification needed to fire their asses, and I don't think the Twitter Cat Ladies could save them.
But Disney is a PC, c**k organization that only exists to instill children with leftwing propaganda, so maybe this will all work out for Kennedy and/or Headlands.