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April 06, 2020
The Morning Rant

So below is the lede of a recent NY Times op-ed piece that encapsulates pretty much everything that is messed up about the progressive/SJW left.
The first is how they wear their self-importance like a heavy, cloying perfume. Everything they do reeks of it. I feel like I'm suffocating just reading the lede.
SJWs have deluded themselves into thinking they're necessary, nay, of that they are vitally important and we cannot possibly live our lives without them. They seriously believe this. But I don't recall ever asking Miss Fussypants to protect me from big, bad boogie men on the internet. I have 'mute' and 'block' buttons for that.
Second, it seems to have escaped her notice that the whole purpose of the internet is to give users the opportunity to get away from people like her. And by 'people like her', I mean blackboard tyrants and petty despots. Kind of like what happened in the American Revolution: we got rid of a king, and we damn well weren't going to set up another king. It's this emphasis on decentralization, embedded in the original network design way back 40 odd years ago, that makes the internet what it is. She evidently has missed the entire point of the revolution in personal computing.
Third, it's a display of how SJWs typically operate. They are are not good at most things. However, they are good at burrowing into unsuspecting groups and institutions and weaseling themselves into decision-making, rent-collecting positions where they can then repurpose the organizational goals toward implementing SJW dogma. It's kind of like how a virus operates on living cells.
They don't like doing any actual work. They love, however, telling everyone else how to work. Also where they should work, when they should work, and what jobs should people work at. The very thought of ordinary people solving these sorts of issues on their own paralyzes SJWs with fear.
So the progressives have been trying to restructure the internet according to SJW preferences, and this op-ed piece is just part of this hollowing-out effort.
Lastly, they say you shouldn't judge by appearances, but I am going judge the author of this op-ed piece by her appearance. She looks like this. I've seen worse, but still, when I look at her, I immediately think: (a) daddy issues, (b) self-identity issues, (c) mental health issues and (d) would most likely hate me if she knew me. Or some combination
So I'm supposed to trust her and her friends with determining what I get to look at on the internet? Not bloody likely.
Our Media Is Garbage:
That Was Then:
This Is Now:
The Sheer Quantity of Water Bloomberg Carries For the CCP Might Surprise You:
Yeah, He's A Horse's Ass, But I'll Give This One To Him:
Who Dis:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4
Friday's celebs: I tend to forget that Shelley Winters was a hottie back in the day. She was in the 1981 film S.O.B. along with veteran character actor Robert Webber. That movie is infamous for a scene where the character played by Julie Andrews whips off her top in the middle of a musical number. A couple of you morons also pointed out that Winters and Webber were also in the 1966 movie Harper.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Beer Brats: 
(click for bigger brats)
Beer brat recipe here.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:12 AM
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