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April 01, 2020
Does Andrew Cuomo Have Pierced Nipples?
Looking at this photo -- I do think it's a bit odd that he has the definite outline of a horizontal-bar piercing on both nipples.
A spokesman claims it's not true.
Okay, but when it's cold and my own headlights come on, I have one peak for each. Why does Cuomo have three for each?
Update: Leftwing (hysterical, mentally-ill) women are writing erotic bean-flicker slashfic about Andrew Cuomo.
Like a velveteen gravity blanket for my soul, the second I see this man's perfectly weathered face and tousled curls, the moment his Pacino-like accent fills my living room with its mafia-like authority, my blood pressure drops, my breasts seem to perk up on their own, and a tingly feeling of optimism washes over my imprisoned body as I think to myself. . . I think we're gonna be okay
Bean Status: Flicked
Thanks to Lizzy.