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April 02, 2020
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
Well this is interesting! The usual trope about how armies always seem to fight the last war seems to be on the minds of our military planners. Whether this makes strategic and tactical sense is a question that can be answered only after the next war, but the supposition that it will be against China is not one that appeared out of thin air. And the timing seems quite interesting too.
Semper Modify: Marine Corps to undergo 'radical' overhaul in pivot to take on China
The Marine Corps plans to give up its tanks, dramatically remake its artillery batteries, cut its helicopter fleet and take a host of other "radical" steps in arguably the most sweeping American military overhaul in a century -- all with the goal of preparing for a potential 21st-century conflict with China.
Tradition is a grand and glorious thing, and the United States MArine Corps has plenty of it. Holding on to their traditional roles is a fine thing, unless it gets one marine killed. So I am all for any shift that makes them a better fighting force.
But the pessimist in me sees many years of infighting and cost overruns and political manipulations that will damage the marines without improving anything.
I hope I am wrong.