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Old Political Meme: Trump Is an Authoritarian
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March 26, 2020
"Fusion Ken" Dilanian Has a Fever and the Only Prescription Is More Propaganda on Behalf of China
Does FusionGPS have a new client?
Remember, FusionGPS has previously worked for the Russian and Venezuelan governments, seeding those hostile regimes' propaganda into the US press, planting foreign countries' propaganda through friendly "journalists," some of whom Fusion has admitted to directly paying for " " " " " research " " " " " purposes.
So: Is FusionGPS now working for Communist China, and using, as usual, Ken Dilanian as a paid mouthpiece to plant their client's propaganda in the American press?
It's impossible to say with so little information available. That said, the answer is "Yes, obviously."
Remember a few weeks ago when the New York Times claimed that China donated medical equipment to Italy (a country which they infected with the plague), only to admit in paragraph 28 that China did not donate this equipment, but sold it?
Well, now Fusion Ken is selling the same story -- that China is stepping up and donating medical equipment to Italy.
Is this the same story, repackaged for Fusion? Has China actually announced a new effort where they'll actually donate the allegedly donated equipment rather than selling it?
I don't know -- but I know that FusionKen and NBCNews can't be relied upon to tell you the honest answers.
The "American" media is just rewriting copy directly from the Chinese Ministry of Propaganda.
Hearings and DOJ invetigations. NOW.