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March 12, 2020
It's The End Of The World As We Know It And The ONT Feels Fine
I'm still trying to absorb the fact that we've decided to throw our economy into a Waring blender over a pandemic that's killed less that 5,000 people worldwide (and yes, I know the Chinese are lying, film at 11. Still, can't go with anything but the numbers we've got). It doesn't even make sense, but then I remember stuff like this:
Flu Jitsu
I'm gonna put all of the COVID-19 related stuff in this section, so if you're not interested, skip it.
Now, when I say it doesn't make sense, I don't mean to imply that caution isn't warranted. It certainly is. Here's a doc with some common sense:
A Brief Fact-Based Message From Your Doctor on Coronavirus
One of the problems is the word: pandemic. I think a lot of people see that and think “OMG! That means it's going to kill me!” Nope. According to the World Health organization, a pandemic is “A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease.” It does not specify that it be a disease that is deadly to a huge swath of the population (BTW, the WHO has determined that COVID-19 is not transmittable through canine/human contact, and that any canines currently being held for observation should be released. In layman's terms, that means that WHO let the dogs out).
Of course, a big part of the problem is that the media and the DNC (but I repeat myself) is salivating at the prospect of this derailing Trump's re-election bid (and really, what else have they got?) Rahm Emanuel: Coronavirus Could Be ‘Devastating’ for Trump Reelection Bid To that end, they're doing their best to create panic, not to assuage it. Coronavirus ‘like a combination of SARS and AIDS’. They're saying things like “Italy's health care system is much more robust than America's”. * snort * Italy had 150 cases that needed ICU treatment and the entire system collapsed. Tell me another one.
Meanwhile, on the ground, Americans are doing what Americans do: whatever is necessary. Coronavirus Ground Zero: Ten miles from the site of the first COVID-19 death in the U.S., resourceful people are responding much better than bureaucracies are. I remain confident that this whole thing will wind up being a nothing burger, outside of the most vulnerable populations, and that together as Americans we'll mitigate that crisis as well (Note to self: re-read chapter Daddy is under the roses from John Ringo's The Last Centurion. That's the America I know).
Still, in an excess of caution, I stocked up on essentials today (Beer and tobacco (well, vape juice). Already have plenty of ammo). I'm ready, come what may.
So, take precautions, WASH YOUR HANDS, and realize that every cloud has a silver lining, especially for Morons:
Science May Have Discovered Regular Drinkers Of Hard Liquor Are Better Protected From Coronavirus
The End Of The World, Part II
Extinction Rebellion is at it again (WARNING! NAKED BOOBS AT LINK!) Blocking traffic while topless has been shown to be effective at fighting climate change. [/sarc] I'm also not sure how women are “disproportionately affected” by the climate change fantasy, but I'm sure there are loads of nice, polite female activists that are willing to have an earnest, respectful discussion of the topic in an attempt to convince you using logic and reason.
Ancient History
Researchers find evidence of a cosmic impact that caused destruction of one of the world's earliest human settlements.
Looks like SMOD might not have missed after all, it just got to the party really, really early.
Thursday Challenge
This has been making the rounds: 'I challenge you all to give me a properly written English sentence with the word 'am' without 'I' next to it.'
You can do it, but it's harder than it might first appear (And adding adverbs between them doesn't count, neither does regurgitating the above sentence)
There's A New Italian Version Of The Political Compass Going Around
I Never Leave Home Without It
I See What You Did There
Tonight's ONT is brought to you by proper parenting:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:02 PM
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