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March 05, 2020
The End of the Trail of Tears: Warren Drops Out; Will Continue Her Fight To Tell Ludicrous Lies About Her Personal History as a Private Citizen
Elizabeth Warren's departure from the race leaves the Democrat field exactly as diverse as when she was in it.
Shrill old nasty bat.
Strangely -- Fox claims that this might have been partly motivated by pressure from the left to drop out, to give Bernie Sanders a better chance at winning.
I got the sense that she personally hated Sanders for not respecting her as a Wahmen. And that that would trump any ideological considerations.
I'm not sure I'm wrong. These reports might be false. She might endorse Biden today.
But that's what they're saying.
Elizabeth Warren is dropping out of the 2020 presidential race after a disappointing Super Tuesday performance -- a move that could boost Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' campaign by making him the lone progressive standard-bearer in the Democratic field.
She was holding a late-morning all-staff call to tell members of her campaign about her decision.
Pressure from the left swiftly grew on Warren to drop out, in order to help Sanders consolidate progressive support.
The Warren campaign shared a message with supporters on Wednesday that indicated she might be considering leaving the race.
Thanks to The James Madison.
Twitter tells me that #ThankYouElizabeth is a top trending hashtag.
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