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March 04, 2020
Charles Schumer Threatens Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh: "I want to tell you Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch: You have unleashed a whirlwind, and you will pay the price."
How many people still cling to the idea that this can be a true single nation?
We now have senators openly threatening Supreme Court Justices.
And nothing will happen.
There will be no chiding by the media, and no formal letter, signed by all nine justices, demanding that Charles Schumer retract and apologize. The liberal justices will decline to warn their liberal friends about making threats against their conservative colleagues.
This just broke:
Roberts, who probably knows a thing or two about being threatened and/or blackmailed, rebuked Schumer.
In a written statement issued late Wednesday, Roberts said "statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous."
So was I wrong? I notice the article does not mention the liberal justices co-signing it. I take this to mean that at least one of them refused to do so. Of course you'd prefer a unified front -- a "9-0 decision," as it were -- and of course it's the liberal justices whose rebuke would be taken the most seriously by liberal senators.
But they didn't. Leaving just the pathetic c*** Roberts to sign this bloodless bureaucratic missive.
There are no rules for the left, only untried pathways to power.
This is intolerable.
Katie Pavilch has the background. Of course Schumer was threatening the Justices over the ultimate leftwing sacrament, abortion.
And he's threatening them just before they rule on an abortion issue, specifically, whether it is constitutional for states to require abortionists to have privileges at a hospital, and other safety requirements.
Update: It's worse than first reported.
Mike Davis @mrddmia
It's even worse than first reported. Comments on Gorsuch Kavanaugh
@SenSchumer added:
"You won't know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions."
Thanks to Qassem Solemani and Andy Canuck.
Update: Fake Christian and Pharisee David French writes a strongly worded letter weakly worded tweet:
El Kabong writes:
Apparently this is bad, but not "Orange Man" Bad.
553 Somebody must have told Roberts that Schumer is a Republican.
Posted by: Kensington