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March 01, 2020
The True Evil Of Socialism Is Inequality...And It Is Most Obvious With Food!
Venezuela is a perfect example of Codevilla's suggestion that "[f]ood is the most fundamental feature of prosperity or lack thereof." Eating zoo animals and rats and digging through garbage isn't really what earnest but ignorant American socialists envision, but it is reality.
And it can be extrapolated to every advantage that society makes available. Housing, healthcare, public safety, consumer goods...you name it, and there is a hierarchy for acquiring it in socialist countries.
That's why the lazy accusation of "communist" is so ridiculous. True communism requires the withering of the state, and anyone with a drop of sense understands that means no more perks, because it is state power that confers those advantages. The American Left desires socialism so their power and privilege can be protected. Why threaten that by working for a communist society!
Socialism's Inequalities
Few statements are more revealing of ignorance than the standard conservative indictment of socialism for “equally spreading poverty.” According to this critique, poverty happens when socialism’s insistence on equality of conditions deprives people of the incentive to work. Such statements so offend reality as to lead one to ask whether those who make them have ever opened their eyes in a socialist country.
No. Socialism makes for the most radical of inequalities among human beings, and enforces them through the state’s absolute power.
Note: Places like Denmark and Sweden, and even Germany, France, Italy, or Argentina, though their governments spend about half the national income, or more, are not socialist. Instead, they have a greater or lesser degree of corporate capitalism, a system first introduced by Benito Mussolini in Italy in the 1920s, in the United States in the 1930s, and that thereafter was copied throughout much of the world.
Ah..."Corporate Capitalism!" A fine term and description of our current state of affairs, and one that Silicon Valley (and others) is working diligently to dominate.
That so many of the Democrat contenders for the presidential nomination are either out-and-proud socialists or crypto-socialists doesn't surprise me in the least. They have all been suckling at the government teat, whether directly or via rent-seeking behavior matters not a whit, so why shouldn't they agitate for more government control of everything?
It reminds me of the story of the Soviet party apparatchik (but any country will do) who shows his aging mother his beautiful limousine and dacha and introduces her to his young and beautiful mistress and brags about his fully-stocked pantry, complete with caviar and champagne and fine wines.
She is suitably impressed, but whispers to him when they are alone..."Ivan, it's all wonderful, but what are you going to do when the communists come back?"
posted by CBD at
02:15 PM
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