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February 25, 2020

The Morning Report - 2/25/20


Good morning, kids. Tuesday and the race for the Democrat nomination is in the lead, with several interesting angles that are at once encouraging and frightening at the same time. Let's unpack it. First up, with openly in-your-face commie Bernie Sanders notching wins in the first three primaries, and the crucial South Carolina and 14-state Super Tuesday primaries on deck, the Democrat establishment is in absolute panic mode that they will be unable to stop him (DNC shenanigans with super-delegates and other cheating notwithstanding). How panicked are they? James Clyburn, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus gave what some consider a key endorsement to Joe Biden, in an attempt to rally the black vote ahead of South Carolina. Considering the Biden campaign is about to flat-line, the endorsement seems idiotic on the face of it. Then again, with all due respect, back folks don't exactly cotton to homosexuals so Pete Puffer is a non-starter, Little Big Gulp Bloomberg's words and deeds as NYC mayor vis-a-vis stop and frisk and black youth as the cause of all crime are less than helpful, and absolutely no one likes Fauxca-Has-Been Warren, period. I guess Biden was it, but then again Clyburn could've just kept his mouth shut and not endorsed anyone. Not that that would have made a difference either.

Barring some sort of unforeseen events between now and the primaries, Sanders might find himself beyond even the ability of the DNC to steal it from him at a brokered convention. But that said, Bernie's inability or unwillingness to conceal who and what he is - an unreconstructed Communist - is causing him to say things that even the lowest of low-information voters is raising an eyebrow at. Case in point are his comments on 60 Minutes praising Cuba's "literacy program," which if one asks escapees from that island gulag is nothing more than coerced propaganda and brainwashing. Florida Democrat Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, a South American immigrant herself, ripped the old coot a new one:

"As the first South American immigrant member of Congress who proudly represents thousands of Cuban Americans, I find Senator Bernie Sanders' comments on Castro's Cuba absolutely unacceptable... "The Castro regime murdered and jailed dissidents, and caused unspeakable harm to too many South Florida families... "To this day, it remains an authoritarian regime that oppresses its people, subverts the free press, and stifles a free society."

Smelling blood in the water, as well as good polling news in South Carolina, Tom "Styrene" Steyer pounced:

"...I don't think it's appropriate to look at a dictator in Cuba who's been there for 60 years, who has really done a terrible job for the Cuban people, who's an autocrat who's never allowed dissent or elections and who has done exactly - he's had the government own the economy and people are hungry and he's been a cruel controller of the country... I don't think it's appropriate to be giving him a lot of compliments."

Of course, Little Big Gulp himself got in on the act:

"Fidel Castro left a dark legacy of forced labor camps, religious repression, widespread poverty, firing squads, and the murder of thousands of his own people. But sure, Bernie. Let's talk about his literacy program."

But ol' Bolshie Bernie wasn't just going to lie there and get curb-stomped, so he defended himself by belching up this little gem:

"I happen to believe in democracy, not authoritarianism. But you know, you can take China as another example. China is an authoritarian country becoming more and more authoritarian. But can anyone deny, I mean the facts are clear, that they have taken more people out of extreme poverty than any country in history. Do I get criticized because I say that? That's the truth. So that is a fact. End of discussion."

Wow. Just effing wow. I like that "end of discussion" bit. You know who else said "end of discussion" many, many times? Meh, why does this shock me? We've been hearing this bilge from him and his fellow travelers for nigh on 100 years. Bernie is nothing if not consistent. In one way, I respect the guy because at least he is honest about who he is and what he believes. Oh, don't get me wrong; his views are the most utterly abhorrent, absolute lies and distortions of the worst kind about the most evil, murderous, destructive political force in history (along with its kissing cousin Islam), as well as the concomitant trashing of America, Americanism, free market capitalism and post-Scottish enlightenment civilization. But now that he's got his distended geriatric scrotum caught in a vice, of course he's going to double down, because if he tried to backtrack, he'd risk losing his base of true believers and he'd be finished.

A few observations vis a vis the above spat about Cuba, the Chi-Coms and the wages of Socialism. First, where's Michael "Tubby Riefenstahl" Moore, or Sean Penn, Danny Glover or Harry Belafonte? Considering that collectively they are the official government house organ of Cuba, their silence about the attacks on Castro and the Revolution (spit) is rather telling. Surely the man who gave us Sicko which praised to the hilt Cuba's healthcare system by damning ours would like to weigh in (no pun) and defend Sanders. Crickets.

Second, and more crucially, if you did not know who was ripping Sanders, you'd swear it was Ronald Reagan or Rush Limbaugh. Funny how Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, an immigrant from Ecuador, can so eloquently and accurately lay into Sanders yet is oddly silent about Obama's normalization of relations with the Castros while posing in front of that giant statue of Che Guevara, a cruel, mass-murdering, homophobic racist. Not that anyone has bothered to ask her about that. Then there's Styrene Steyer who waxes so eloquently about the evils of communist Cuba and it's command and control economy; the guy who made his fortune by swindling the government out of green energy subsidies while openly advocating for the destruction of our economy by killing the petrochemical industry. And then there's Little Big Gulp Bloomberg, who absolutely flayed Sanders during the Las Vegas debate about his love of communism and rank hypocrisy of his own lifestyle. Too bad about his own raging hypocrisy involving Communist China, where he has massive business dealings, and his doing everything in his power to squelch any and all criticism of that country. Yes, Xi Jinping has to take care of the citizens lest he be voted out of office.

Third, and most importantly, all of this Democrat-Media Complex trashing of communism and socialism as a means of destroying Bernie is truly a thing of beauty to behold. It's an indicator that despite 50 years of brainwashing in our schools, most people reject socialism/communism and that to openly run a national campaign as a champion of those systems is political suicide. Also, despite the Dems' protestations about the aforementioned, they have been the driving force of trying to "fundamentally transform" America into a socialist nation since at least 1913 and perhaps earlier. It's just that they were able to nuance and message Medicare, Medicaid, the Great Society, the EPA, Hope and Change and all the rest as somehow in keeping with the Constitution and the American ideal, while trashing those who opposed them as racists and reactionaries. The coming of Trump, which was a reaction/rejection to/of Obama, has engendered not a Democrat-Left period of self-examination and introspection but the attempt to destroy him. In that effort, they created a monster in the ascendancy of Bernie Sanders. So now they have to openly attack and dismantle everything in their political philosophy and agenda they have striven for for over 100 years to take out Bernie Sanders, ironically that agenda's biggest, loudest champion.

That is going to leave a mark for a very long time to come. The last thing the Democrats wanted was a showdown and stark contrast between a pro-American free market Donald Trump and an aged, loud, rumpled old bull Bolshevik. Beyond the optics of each man is the optics of their achievements and what they represent. The former with a revitalized nation, economy and spirit, the latter... Cuba, Venezuela and Communism.

For that I am grateful and optimistic. But the fly in the ointment to all of this is the fact that there are still so many people gullible and ignorant enough about history and the world - thanks, academia - to actually listen to the likes of Sanders, Toothy McBigTits AOC and their fellow travelers and pull the lever for their own extermination. Perhaps the ultimate showdown between Trump and Sanders will be a gigantic first step in setting things right. We shall see. But for now, I'm happy to listen to Democrats sound like the second coming of Joe McCarthy and William F. Buckley and make the heads of all the little campus commies and aging hippies heads explode.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by at 07:52 AM

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