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February 17, 2020
Alan Derschowitz: Barack Obama Ordered the FBI to Investigate a Political Enemy of George Soros', at Soros' Behest
He says you'll know who this person is after the lawsuit on his behalf is filed.
Q: But let me just ask you -- you said that George Soros asked Barack Obama to have his Justice Department investigate somebody?
Dershowitz: We're -- that's going to come out in a lawsuit in the near future. Yeah
Q: Wow, well, we look forward to hearing more about that new.
Dershowitz: That's not unusual. That is not unusual. People whisper to presidents all the time. Presidents whisper to [the] Justice Department all the time. It's very common. It's wrong, whoever does it, but it's common, and we shouldn't think that it's unique to any particular president. I have in my possession the actual 302 form [an FBI record of an interview], which documents this issue, and it will, at the right time, come out. But I'm not free to disclose it now because it's a case that's not yet been filed.