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February 17, 2020
The Morning Rant
Dear Lefties:
I've been hearing a lot of loose talk from you guys lately about how you think Trump isn't going to leave office should he lose in 2020. Also, that he won't leave in 2024. Like this guy, who hysterically claimed: "It will start out as a standoff. He (Trump )will physically be carried out from the WH by U.S. Marshals/FBI tactical agents (order from EDVA) or DC SWAT (NYAG) if he refuses to concede and comply with SS. Same exact protocol during the Stone arrest (rifles and tactical gear). #TRE45ON"
Plus, a lot of you are claiming outright that Trump is going to set himself up as some sort of banana republic "supreme dictator for life" type potentate. You're all running around with your hair on fire about being arrested and put in camps and executed and such.
I've got a couple of things to say to you about this.
First, people have been saying this for decades. Literally decades. People on my side of the aisle said Bill Clinton wouldn't step down in 2000, people on your side of the aisle said George Bush wouldn't step down in 2004 and 2008, and people on my side of the aisle said Barak Obama wouldn't step down in 2016.
And none of these dire prophecies came to pass.
So everyone needs to calm the fcuk down.
Especially you #Resist dorks. Your hair has been on fire for nearly 4 years, and it's time to give it a rest. Plus, I know you don't really mean it. You like to style yourselves as some kind of brave "#resistance" fighters, but it's all empty talk. I mean, you're still living here, right? I mean, if Donald Trump was such an existential threat to your life, why are you still here? Why aren't you in Canada or Sweden or someplace else far, far away from the dominion of the Dark Lord Trump? No, you're still living in this country, sipping your lattes and typing furious #Resist blog posts on your MacBooks, and nobody is coming for you, no jackbooted thugs are threatening to break down your doors and haul you off, and the only grief you experience is having to read Trump's mean tweets that sometimes show up in your Twitter timeline.
Plus, if it's really that bad, and you want to fight for your country and take it back, you know voting isn't going to help, because didn't you just get through saying that Trump is an evil dictator who would refuse to be voted out? Didn't you?
So your only recourse is to arm up and fight for your lost freedoms as our forefathers did. Oh, wait, your side hates guns, doesn't it? Your side wants to restrict them to the police and military, doesn't it? Of course, you know what this means, right? Don't tell me you didn't think this one through. Let me spell it out for you: If you outlaw firearms and restrict them to the police and military, this means they will be ultimately be controlled by --
Wait for it...
Donald Trump.
You're all screwed.
Enjoy the reign of Trump.
And They Say It's *Trump Supporters* Who Are A Cult:
Mike Bloomberg: Standing Tall in 2020
Trump Photobombs Are the Best Photobombs:
President Trump Does Daytona Like a Boss:
Mike Bloomberg At the Daytona 500:
Who Dis:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5Photo 6Photo 7
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5Photo 6
Friday's celebs: Florence Pugh, lately from the 647th remake of Little Women and Israeli actor Daniel Litman who were in the 2018 reboot of The Little Drummer Girl.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Smoked "Dinosaur" Ribs:
(click for bigger ribs)
Smoked Dinosaur Rib recipe here.
Happy Birthday to J.J. Sefton and Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing
posted by OregonMuse at
11:18 AM
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