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February 10, 2020
Mid-Morning Art Thread
Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco
A recent guest blogger on these august pages has mentioned our little corner of the art world on his own blog, and
Instapundit noticed. Richard Bledsoe is a staunch defender of remodernism, and an equally staunch detractor of the political cudgel known as postmodernism, specifically its effect on art.
In the event that we get a few new eyeballs this morning, welcome to the mosh pit that is art criticism around here. Our purpose is diametrically opposed to the hyper-politicized current art world, although any time I can take a shot at some buffoon posing as a serious artist, I will take the low road and question his manhood, poke fun at his wispy facial hair, and laugh at his man-bun. But it is the commenters who lob the biggest rocks, since they do not suffer fools or bad art.
Oh...the purpose? Great art elevates us, and serious art pleases us, or at the very least intrigues us. So what you will see on this page is art that has piqued my interest, because of its obvious greatness, its use of color, its structure, its exposition of a particular era, or a dozen other reasons, both silly and profound.
And for those new eyeballs? Stick to the art as a topic for the first 100 comments please. This, in addition to being a world famous art site, is a bit of a respite from the pounding of the news cycle.