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January 12, 2020

Sunday Overnight Open Thread (1/12/20)



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

At this point in history, is it wise to take foreign policy advice from people who walked around in broad daylight with knitted pussies on their heads?”Glenn Reynolds

Quote II

"All of us have been discouraged from attempting to discharge student loans because it appeared that the law was a wall too high to climb for most debtors other than those with severe disabilities. If the district court affirms Chief Morris' order, there will be a lot more filers for bankruptcy all over the country." Peter Frank, a bankruptcy lawyer from Kingston

Quote III

"Let's hope he's okay. It's not that funny." Unidentified sports broadcaster.
H/T Bitter Clinger

Quote IV

‘Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,’” Omar quoted.

“These are the words that welcomed me and millions of refugees. I still believe in those values. We shall overcome.” Rep/ Ilhan Nur (Omar) (D-MN)

Quote V

I've been vocal about my opposition to many of this government's policies. I live a very conservative life and hold traditional conservative views which I am public about. I've never promoted non-compliance and was rather shocked by how low the numbers really were. This left me wondering: was this a politically motivated action by someone high-up in the bureaucracy ordered to make examples? Dieuwe de Boer


What a fool!

In Morrissey v. WTVR, LLC, decided Thursday by Judge Henry E. Hudson (E.D. Va.), Joe Morrissey—a former Virginia legislator, a disbarred lawyer, and now a Virginia state senator (who just assumed office Wednesday)—sued a Richmond TV station over commentary by reporter Mark Holmberg; the commentary had been aired while Morrissey was unsuccessfully running for Richmond mayor

Disbarred attorney? I wouldn't have called him a fool more like a slime bag.


It isn't about safe and sensible gun control. It's about prohibition, plain and simple.

The Virginia Beach City Council voted Monday to add the city to a growing list of nearly 100 cities and counties that have joined the “Second Amendment sanctuary” movement in the commonwealth of Virginia, which is meant to flout an assault weapons ban and other proposals.

The city council resolution declared a “continued commitment to support all provisions of the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including the right of the people to keep and bear arms.”…

“There’s one Democrat lawmaker who actually proposed to ban gun ranges,” Loesch said. “They want to ban gun ranges because it’s all about gun sense and gun safety, but yet I guess a part of that gun sense and gun safety is to make it to where law-abiding Americans can’t actually train to carry their arms and practice their marksmanship, which doesn’t sound like gun sense or gun safety to me.”


Failure. It pays well at the top, even if you are shit-canned.

Dennis Muilenburg, Boeing’s former CEO, left the company with $80.7 million in pay and benefits, after being fired over two aircraft crashes that killed 346 people in total. His compensation dwarfs the $50 million set aside for families of the crash victims.

Boeing denied Muilenberg severance pay and forced him to forfeit stock awards worth tens of millions of dollars, but he keeps $62 million in pay and pension benefits. He also keeps unexercised stock options worth $18.5 million.



Democrats hate the flag, freedom and liberty.


POW! BAM!! Holy Shrinkage Batman!!!

Earlier this week, Burt Ward, famous player of Robin in the 1960s Batman TV show, received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. During the ceremonies, he revealed some information that has us just bursting at the seams with curiosity.

It turns out, while there was nothing flaccid about Ward’s charismatic performance as the (clearly actually an adult) Boy Wonder, there was one part of Ward’s Robin that ABC wanted to have a little less on-screen presence.


PJ Wednesday can be a feature not a bug. Or, The ONT Is Always Looking Out For YouTM H/T Legally Sufficent

Working at Home in Your Pajamas Really is the Key to Happiness

Freelancers, entrepreneurs, and anyone who works from a home office brace themselves every family event for the inevitable question: “When will you get a real job?” Many people, grandma and that nosy uncle included, associate work with a commute to a more corporate-looking location. How can it be work if there’s no suit or office building?

In response, Owl Labs made a report titled “State of Remote Work” that surveyed 1,202 full-time workers in the U.S. between the ages of 22 and 65. Of all the participants, 62% work remotely in some capacity; 48% work remotely once a week, and 30% work remotely full-time. While comparing these findings to last year’s report, the researchers found that Americans work remotely full-time 66% more often than anywhere else in the world. [1]

Although the desirability of working from home in pajamas is clear, is it productive and good for one’s health?


This controversy in medicine is not new. However, it is getting more and more attention. Cancer treatment, chemo vs. holitistic.

Chemotherapy Truthers Are the New Anti-Vaxxers


Good old California. First it was reduced water usage laws. Possession of gas leaf blower may make you a criminal as well.

Californians blows a little too much for the likes of state regulators and city governments, both of whom have been leading the charge against gas-powered leaf blowers and lawnmowers.

Some 60 cities in the Golden state have already passed bans or restrictions on gas-powered landscaping equipment. Now the California Air Resources Board (CARB)—which regulates emissions in the state—is crafting long-term plans to phase them out statewide, according to reporting from the San Francisco Chronicle.

CARB will lower the allowable amount of emissions these machines can produce this year, with an eye toward zeroing out all such emissions by 2022. Other local governments have been less patient, passing or proposing immediate bans that have Earth-saving potential

I would be more concerned about the piss, shit and needles on the sidewalks. But, that's just me.


(Phone rings.........) Hello, Acme Sign Company, Yes, we can make you some new signs for you.

Officials who manage Glacier National Park are swapping out signs warning visitors that climate change would cause the park’s glaciers to disappear by 2020.

The U.S. Geological Survey told the park in 2017 that the complete melting off of the glaciers was no longer expected, park spokeswoman Gina Kurzmen told CNN. Forecast models over the years show the glaciers were no longer at risk of disappearing by that date, she noted.

Placards at the St. Mary’s Visitor Center, located in Montana’s mountain ranges, were reportedly changed in 2019. The park is waiting for budget authorization to update the park’s full set of signs, Kurzman noted.


I know. There I go again living in the past. Remember when weiners were something to be celebrated? Must click scenerey.

Bizarre Beauty Pageants: Vintage Photos Of Hot Dog Queens From The Mid-Century


Journalists Resource admits that gun buybacks don't work.

In other words, buybacks are kabuki theater for the masses.

However, that’s a bad way to go about things. All they’re doing is wasting money to feed into people’s fears rather than addressing the real problems. Those aren’t guns, either. They’re issues that go far deeper than that.

That said, it’s good to see at least someone in the journalism field acknowledge that buybacks, as they’re conducted in the United States, is less than useless. Even if it’s clear they didn’t want to admit to it.


This is what happens when you pretend that science isn't settled. Creep identifies as an eight year old girl.

A convicted sex offender from Michigan who claims to identify as an eight-year-old girl and who was caught with porn on his computer is now arguing it is protected by free speech.

Joseph Gobrick, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, was arrested after officers discovered illegal child pornography — including scenes of child rape — on his devices


The ONT Musical Interlude


(Go ahead click. What could go wrong? Nothing!)


I guess churchs do not have top notch Human Resources Departments. Genius Award Winner.

A Florida former pastor is accused of propositioning someone he thought was 13-year-old girl for sex online, not knowing it was actually a detective on the other side of the keyboard.

Officials said they posted an ad on Craigslist and an undercover detective “posed as a young girl online who had posted an ad to meet up.”

He was arrested on Wednesday on a charge of using a computer to seduce/solicit a child.

The church told Channel 9 Logsdon was never alone with children, and that leaders were shocked when they learned about his recent arrest.

Channel 9 also learned Logsdon was on probation after serving 13 years in prison for second-degree murder.


Contrary to the popular belief of every Democrat running for POTUS. People of the U.S.A. are good people and well received. Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

American firefighters got a hero’s welcome in Australia.

Dozens who arrived at Sydney International Airport this week to assist in battling a series of devastating wildfires were met with cheers from a crowd that had amassed at the terminal.

“Coming through, all gathered gave a spontaneous & lengthy round of applause, reflecting the gratitude & admiration we all have for their generosity,” tweeted Shane Fitzsimmons, the commissioner of the New South Wales Rural Fire Service.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Clear Instructions.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire and AceCorp, LLC. ONT tips, loose change, drink tokens and burner phones to petmorons at gmail dot com. Complaints? To someone who cares.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:15 PM

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