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December 26, 2019
Steve Hayes, David French, and Jonah Goldberg, "Swamp Conservatives"
I agree with everything except the delusion that any of these useless, spineless grifters is "conservative."
In October, nominally-conservative media veterans Jonah Goldberg and Steve Hayes relieved months of mild curiosity by unveiling The Dispatch, a new media venture that bills itself as an alternative to a "conservative media complex increasingly invested in a strategy of polarization and demonization of Blue America" -- or, as Goldberg said in March, a right-of-center information source readers "won't be embarrassed to invoke when speaking to liberal relatives around the dinner table."
Not exactly standing athwart history yelling "stop," is it?
It's still unclear how many paying customers they expect to attract to what sounds essentially like a Diet Bulwark (perhaps they instead plan to survive on periodic $6 million infusions of swamp welfare), but the announcement takes pains to profess The Dispatch’s commitment to "honesty and charity" in "fact-based commentary" characterized by "more deliberation." That sounds nice; too bad they don't mean it.
Previously one half of the leadership team that destroyed The Weekly Standard (partly by playing Captain Ahab to Donald Trump’s Moby Dick), Hayes is hardly a stickler for journalistic integrity, as demonstrated when TWS ran a falsehood-ridden piece on FISAgate written by a former attorney for Senate Democrats--without identifying her as such. A few weeks back, Hayes helpfully gave readers another example of what passes for "principled journalis[m]" in his eyes when he applied the label to former Fox anchor Shepard Smith--a smarmy liberal known for spouting demagoguery on everything from Chick-fil-A to voter ID, last seen throwing a hissy fit over a Fox guest who didn’t think much of 9/11 Truther Andrew Napolitano's legal analysis (the fiction of Smith's "commitment to facts" also made The Dispatch's October 14 edition).
Nor are "honesty and charity" serious priorities for David French, who surprisingly decided to leave behind the absolute job security of National Review (where Rich Lowry looked the other way no matter how many Christians he demonized, lies he pushed, and columns of his Andy McCarthy had to correct) for this ultra-niche vanity project of questionable viability. Also onboard are Andrew Egger and Rachael Larimore, two Weekly Standard survivors who followed Bill Kristol to The Bulwark, and who've also displayed a striking indifference toward the accuracy of what they write.
And then there’s Goldberg, who never met an argument he couldn’t straw-man. Those who’ve been paying attention know that Jonah’s toxic brew of thin skin, intellectual dishonesty, and simple laziness are less-than-ideal qualities for an editor-in-chief, with his October 4 column perfectly encapsulating his trademark unseriousness for the uninitiated.
After nearly 400 words about blind devotion to Soviet dictators (because padding his work with historical or philosophical asides is how he tricks rubes into thinking they’re reading something deep), Goldberg argues that Trump has a similar "cult of personality," complete with its own "doctrine of infallibility."
Same people who sang hymns to the incorruptible integrity of Robert Mueller and James Comey-- accusing others of cultish hero-worship.
Most of the article is about the nastily unserious fatbag Jonah Goldberg.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:26 PM
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