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December 18, 2019
Jerry Nadler: This Isn't a Coup Because Mike Pence Would be President if Trump Were Removed
Adam Schiff: Oh Yeah, We're Going to Impeach Pence Too
This is a line peddled by the impeachment-drunk, Trump-deranged NeverTrumpers too -- that if we would just give them what they want, we could have President Pence instead of President Trump, and we'd finally have a President We Can Be Proud Of (TM), and the NeverTrumpers would get back their status and phoney-baloney jobs extracting money from the conservative movement to pursue a mixture of socially-liberal and ultra-corporatist ends.
Adam Schiff says, AKSHUALLY...
Here’s the truth. They are never going to stop. They didn’t stop with the Steele Dossier. They didn’t stop with the Mueller investigation. And even after Trump beats this impeachment nonsense, there will be something else. When that crashes and burns, there will be something else. Then as we get into October, there will be yet another “bombshell.” It’s going to happen and Republicans need to be prepared to combat these types of games instead of looking for excuses to fold as some did in 2016.
And if both Trump and Pence get impeached, hello, President Pelosi.
Which is something our liberal NeverTrump "friends" would not mind all that much. After all, many of them (though not nearly all of them) were willing to admit #ImWithHer.
They have only three demands:
1, that Republican "opposition" be rhetorical opposition to the ever-advancing leftist state only.
2, that they be put back in positions of leadership of this corrupted, inverted fake "opposition" movement.
3, that you return to paying them the Danegeld for their "leadership."

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:52 PM
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