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December 09, 2019
Trump Surging in Polls in Three Battleground States, as Impeachment Seems to be Damaging Biden and the Democrats
I think Trump should thank David Frum, John Podhoretz, David French, the Dispatch, the Bulwark, National Review et al. when he cruises -- ahoy! -- to reelection with 350 electoral votes.
Quarterly polling by the Republican firm Firehouse Strategies, with Optimus, had President Trump struggling in the mega-battlegrounds of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin -- but in the newest edition, he beats every Democrat.
The big picture: Trump won by an average of six percentage points in hypothetical match-ups against all current Democratic candidates, including Joe Biden, who was performing well in head-to-head contests against Trump in polling conducted earlier in the year.
The poll found that a majority of likely 2020 voters surveyed do not support impeaching and removing Trump from office.
The Democrats have two chances to beat Trump if they can't win two of the three PA, WI, and MI: Slim and none, and slim just resigned after photos of a "thruple" relationship with a staffer surfaced.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:50 PM
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