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December 09, 2019
LTC Hickman Demolishes Strategic Pastry Repository Alex Vindman
From someone who actually served with Vindman, & is in contact w/many other soldiers who have as well, let me just say wrong on integrity, honor, & patriotism. Vindman's a partisan who made disparaging comments about Americans, & I had to reprimand him for it in 2013.
Speaking to those within his Apache Troop/1/2SCR, his command was cut to the minimum for credit, & just prior to deployment for combat, because, according to his NCOs, he lacked the qualities you just mentioned, & leadership. Also, he was the worse commander they've ever served under & a couple of those NCOs are still active duty Soldiers.
Not all officers are good, as some slip through the system like Vindman. His career should've ended as a CPT, but he switched from Infantry to functional area FAO & survived.
The primary takeaway is Vindman acted out of partisanship by foregoing his chain of command, & leaking to a known partisan Democrat to initiate this impeachment. In the military we resolve things in an apolitical military fashion, through the immediate chain of command, & at the lowest level possible.
That he 'perceived' the President's request as a demand is not a fact, nor should his partisan perceptions or opinions matter. Vindman's disagreement with President Trump on foreign policy, is ridiculous on it's face, as @POTUS sets foreign policy, not congress, and certainly not some LTC staff officer.
If Vindman testifies before the Senate, I have a feeling more military folks will stand to tell the truth.🇺🇸 #TruthExposed #TruthMatters
Trump just gave a short statement to the press from the Cabinet Room, but I haven't found a link to the video yet.

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:58 PM
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