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December 12, 2019
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
Every rational analysis of this situation screams out that "IT WILL FAIL!" Humanity behaves very predictably when offered a subsidy for any behavior...it will do more of it. Anything, at any time. And the "homeless," a silly euphemism for a population that is overwhelmingly alcoholic or drug addicted or psychotic or schizophrenic or a host of other mental diseases, are no different than soccer moms or steel workers or 5th graders. They obey the same immutable laws that progressivism (a mental defect of its own) denies.
Los Angeles Is Spending Over $1 Billion To House the Homeless. It's Failing.
More than 2,500 homeless individuals sleep on the streets of the 53-square-block Skid Row area in downtown Los Angeles.
"Skid row is the worst manmade disaster in the United States. There's human waste on the sidewalks. There's all kinds of disease," says Rev. Andy Bales, CEO of Skid Row's Union Rescue Mission, the nation's largest private homeless shelter. He lost his leg to staph infection he contracted while serving the homeless on Skid Row.
But California's homelessness crisis extends far beyond Skid Row and Los Angeles. The state's homeless population has jumped more than 12 percent in the last five years, and it's part of a national crisis.
So what's the disconnect? With the economy roaring along, with record low unemployment and wages rising it doesn't seem like it is a lack of jobs. The pat answer from our elites is that rising housing prices push out the people on the margins, who then must live on the streets. But that seems a bit simplistic, since as I mentioned, the vast majority of these people are batshit crazy, addicts, drunks, or a combination of all three. So the next facile and simplistic answer is that there is insufficient mental health assistance available to them, so they flounder about and end up homeless, or remain homeless. But since the 1970s and a series of court decisions, we have given the mentally ill the autonomy to to be governed by their demons, and the result is a horror show of untreated mental patients on our streets. Here is Walter Williams with an interesting premise:
Closing Mental Institutions Made Us More Vulnerable to Mass Shootings.
So what's the solution? I think it is obvious; society needs the ability to institutionalize the mentally ill, it needs to make "homelessness" less financially attractive, and it needs to return to the stigma that being a bum or a vagrant or a hobo is not an appropriate life choice.
But those are difficult things to do in our current condition, in which every vice and every personal failing is celebrated as just a point on the fabulous rainbow of diversity!
But part of me is laughing and pointing at California, which has joined the mentally ill in behaving contrary to all of the things we have learned about society. The good people of Los Angeles are getting exactly what they voted for, and until they change the people who make these decisions, they will continue to live in a state that resembles nothing more than a Rube Goldberg machine that needs a lot of work.
[Hat Tip: some Moron whose name will be entered into the Hat Tip rolls as, "Unknown"]
Correction: Commenter "CtHillary" tells me that a hobo:
...is an itinerant agricultural worker. The word "hobo" is thought to come from "Hoe Boy," which in itself shows at least an acceptance that work is sometimes necessary.
posted by CBD at
11:00 AM
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