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December 09, 2019
The Morning Rant

"Democrats and their progressive media allies shrieking about Russia 24/7 need to step back and listen to themselves. And knowing a little history wouldn't hurt. Back in the 1950s, they used to laugh at the Birchers who were finding commies hiding under every bed. And who also made the claim that President Eisenhower was self-consciously a Soviet agent. That last bit was the straw that broke the camel's back for William F. Buckley, who barred anyone associated with the John Birch Society from appearing in his
National Review magazine.
He thus booted them from the conservative movement. And it worked. The John Birch Society was effectively marginalized to this day.
"Well, that was then, this is now. The progressives do not have anyone like Buckley, no voice of reason or sanity who can stand athwart history, yelling 'STOP!'
"And since the only way to maintain a conspiracy theory against the evidence of facts and logic is by expanding it, they just keep getting crazier and crazier. Look at those WaPo headlines. One Republican after another gets declared a Russian asset, and then the *entire party* gets labelled a Russian asset, and there is no evidence that any editor at the WaPo ever said, 'Wow, this is just crazy talk' or 'We need to dial it back a bit, otherwise we'll sound like a bunch of kooks and lose the confidence of our readers.'
They're all on board the crazy train, and there's no brakes."
(h/t Nathan Brand for the WaPo headlines)
The Descent Into Madness:
That's Not How This Works:
Finally, Some Common Sense:
Who Dis:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
Bonus Who Dis - This Man Is 103 Years Old Today:

"Cory Booker? I crap bigger'n he does."
Friday's Celebs: Laurence Harvey and France Nuyen, who were together in A Girl Named Tamiko (1962), which I had never heard of until I started looking for hotties I could pair Harvey with. The ST:TOS connection was an unexpected bonus.
Today's Edition of the Morning Rant Is Brough To You By:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:13 AM
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