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The Morning Report - 12/6/19 »
December 05, 2019
But Soft! What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks? It Is The ONT, And Weirddave Is The Sun!
Oh Lord, ONT time. Whose night is it tonight? WD? It's probably going to be full of weird stuff.
I could do an entire thread just with stuff from NextDoor. I might just have to, Ace poached four of the links I was going to use tonight earlier in the week.
Remember last week when we talked about the new craze of sunning your asshole?
Josh Brolin burns his ‘pucker hole’ while ‘perineum sunning’
“My pucker hole is crazy burned and I was going to spend the day shopping with my family and instead I’m icing and using aloe and burn creams because of the severity of the pain,” Brolin wrote next to a photo of a naked man lying on his back with his legs in the air as the sun kisses his posterior.
“I don’t know who the f–k thought of this stupid s–t but f–k you nonetheless. Seriously.”
You might think it's funny, but it taint.
If You're Tired Of A Pussy On Your Labia...
….you might want to spruce up a giant's penis.
Nobody Would Blame God For Starting Over
The last second makes the entire bit.
Wanna Get Away?
After that last section, who could blame you? You could go by train.
The Longest Train Ride in the World
This actually seems to me like it would be a really cool trip, but I wouldn't try and do it in 13 straight days, I'd like to take maybe 6 weeks and spend time exploring various cities along the way. Of course, if you want to stay a little closer to home, here's what to do and not do in each state:
Every U.S. State's Most Overrated & Underrated Attraction
Maryland's is dumb: Ocean City is overrated but Baltimore's Inner Harbor is not. I give a big meh to both, there's more to OC than the boardwalk and coastal highway, and lots of the IH is not quite as relaxing as the article makes it sound. I can take you lots of places when you visit before getting to the Inner Harbor. They must just hate beaches, because Rehoboth Beach, De and Old Orchard Beach, Me also made the “overrated” list.
Virginia is now solid blue, and this is the result:
Virginia to OUTLAW firearms instruction and self-defense training under proposed law
It still has to pass, but the GOP basically gave up on the state last election. Want to bet anything you don't care to lose that it doesn't?
A Deplorable Strategy Beyond 2020
What happens AT (After Trump)?
Since 2016, the ruling class has left no doubt that it is not merely enacting chosen policies: It is expressing its identity, an identity that has grown and solidified over more than a half century, and that it is not capable of changing.
That really does mean that restoring anything like the Founders’ United States of America is out of the question. Constitutional conservatism on behalf of a country a large part of which is absorbed in revolutionary identity; that rejects the dictionary definition of words; that rejects common citizenship, is impossible. Not even winning a bloody civil war against the ruling class could accomplish such a thing.
Related: Rattling the Cage Doors Sarah Hoyt has some thoughts
Fun Thread
Most Creative Restroom Signs
Your Government At Work
NASA prepped for alien communication with 'LSD dolphin sex' experiment
Money well spent, eh?
What Happens In The Comments When I Post A Gif On The ONT
Great Read
Scar Tissue
When I woke up that morning in Fort Myers, Florida, I was sitting all alone in my underwear.
No shoes. No shirt. No pants. Just underwear.
Also, I was somehow behind the wheel of a parked car that didn’t belong to me.
And there was broken glass everywhere.
What the hell is this?
MLB pitcher Bobby Jenks got hurt playing ball, and then spiraled down into addiction to painkillers. The bit about “concurrent surgeries” is insane, something I never even knew was possible. Read to find out how this incredible practice started his descent into madness. Highly recommended.
Tonight's ONT is brought to you by, um...you know...that thing:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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