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December 02, 2019
Joe Biden: "I Have Hairy Legs," "I Love Kids Jumping on My Lap"
"Sundown Joe" Biden needs to retire.
It's dangerous this guy is even in a position to become president.
Clarification: Chi-Town Jerry points out that this clip is from 2017, and is the same talk in which he regaled us with the Confrontation with Corn-Pop.
And imagine, his decrepit brain has aged two more years since then.
President Trump's campaign has seized on a resurfaced clip of Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden in which the former vice president described how children would rub his leg hair back when he was a lifeguard at a Delaware pool in his younger days.
"I got hairy legs that turned ... blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach into the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and watch the hair come back up again," Biden recalled. He then said he "learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I loved kids jumping on my lap."
Trump's communication director mocked Biden:
As did DJTJr.:
And now: Someone has drawn a short animation to go with Pop-Pop's Hairy Legs story.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:08 PM
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