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December 02, 2019
"Moderate" Pete Buttgag Nods In Agreement to Assertion That Illegal Aliens Are Just "Reclaiming Stolen Lands"
So moderate.
Can't wait for the Bulwark to endorse him.
Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg nodded in agreement with leftist reverend William Barber on Sunday as Barber suggested that migrants who were illegally entering the United States were reclaiming land that the United States stole from Mexico.
"And we need to talk about that -- and shouldn't we have some conversation whenever people say, we call people 'illegal aliens' and all these things that are not human, are certainly not Christian," Barber continued. "Why can't we just own in America that some of the people that are trying to come from Mexico here are coming back to land we stole, and the reason we took the land is because people wanted to keep their slaves?"
Buttigieg nodded in agreement as Barber made his remarks.
Oh -- bonus for claiming we "stole Mexican land" in order to keep blacks as slaves.
Not sure how those dots get connected, but he probably earned some goodwill from his base.
And by "his base," I mean his zealous promoter Seth Mandel, a champion liberal Twitter virtue-signaler and alleged "conservative" editor at the C***shed II, who just can't say enough good things about Mayor Pete.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:11 PM
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