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A Moron's Thanksgiving ONT »
November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving
It's been an interesting year. Some ups, some downs. A few victories just as many losses. But, I am able to sit up take nourishment, drink coffee and hang with you Morons.
Giving thanks does matter.
Such a sense of appreciation is increasingly rare. Most Americans, according to a Templeton Foundation survey, feel they receive little gratitude at home or the office. The feeling of gratitude appears to drop with age. Today’s millennials are the least grateful. This is not surprising given the new generations’ low levels of interest in the very things we are likely to feel grateful for, such as family, religion or America itself.
Older people, who often have overcome hard times, are more grateful. They witnessed the triumph of liberal democracy over communism. Many of them, like me, were raised by parents who came from poverty, and instilled the notion that, for all our problems, living here, at this time, in this country, is a manifest blessing not to demeaned or ignored.
Our country is not perfect. Our jobs aren't perfect. I don't know about your health, but mine isn't perfect. I'm very proud of each of my three daughters. I've been blessed with a fantastic spousal unit.
But we are free to express our thoughts, right, wrong or otherwise. Next November we are afforded the opportunity to vote in local, state and national elections. We are free to worship the God of our choice.
Yes our lives and the United States of America aren't perfect. But considering the alternative, Happy Thanksgiving.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
07:51 PM
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